Sunday, November 24, 2019

Week 47 of Stitching Stuff

What a week!  I didn't leave the office till after 9:30 PM on Friday. That's not normal for me, but it's just been that nuts at work.  It makes it hard to find time to stitch, even just 15 minutes, when days start looking like that.

My late evening ended my long running streak of 15 minute evenings in November.  

15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
15 minute days/November = 22/23 days
15 minute days/2019 = 295/327
Success rate = 90.21%

Still my success rate for fitting in 15 minutes of stitching time is over 90%, which was the goal for the year. So long as I don't have any more really long days, I should be able to meet that goal.  Thankfully I'm off this week, but the first week in December will be more madness.  Things should calm down once we get to the second week.  

Since getting to the sewing machine has been difficult, a couple of evenings this week, I worked on quilt labels for the Christmas Mystery quilt 

and for Twinkle Stars

The backgrounds of the labels may change a bit depending on what ends up being the backing for each quilt, but otherwise I think these are close to the final designs.  

So how did you do this week at fitting in some stitching time? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
4. MaryR @UrbanQuilter
5. Meloney
6. DawnyK
7. Amanda
8. Quilting Gail

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Julie in GA said...

Enjoy your week off--you've earned it after those long hours!
I always love seeing your beautiful quilt labels!

Barbara said...

Your labels are very cute. Your countdown of the weeks always makes me a little anxious this time of year as the numbers get bigger, and I think...really? 47 weeks have gone by in 2019? Wasn’t New Year’s Day just last week?

Rebecca said...

Love to see your designs for the labels!

Donna said...

Cute labels!


Very pretty labels there--
I am soo bad about doing labels--!!!
I keep saying that I am going to do an update of my sewing time--
but then my post each week is so long cause of the Inchy stories!!
I do know that I have stitched every single day this year--except for the 19 days of the move to Fl in Sept--and since the first of Oct--I am often getting in a hour to 4 hours a day--so am making up for lost time!!!
and I did get those 19 inchies stitched up!
happy turkey day--luv, di

chrisknits said...

It will be hard for me to get in 7 this week as we leave for family events on Tuesday and then my daughter is doing her wedding dress shopping on Black Friday. But I will take knitting and try to get in some hat making.

Emily said...

Love these labels, especially the trees! This is typically a super productive part of the year for me, here's hoping that holds true this year!

Shelina said...

Wow that is a seriously late night! You had a successful week regardless.

DawnyK said...

Great labels! I understand about working late. Work's been a brain burner lately. Good luck next week!

seabreezequilts said...

Wow amazing effort for a mad week. Hope you have a bit of a rest this week.

Denise :) said...

Your labels are wonderful! Great job on your stitching time; both this past week and overall for the year. It's pretty impressive! Enjoy your time off this week! We're samesies! :)

Jennifer said...

Both fun labels and hope you don’t have any more of those late nights ahead of you!