Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WIPS - Lots of Yellow with a touch of Blue

Drama Teen is going to be disappointed this morning.  We had freezing fog and rain last night, so she was hoping for a day out of school.  No such luck, the roads are dry. But we apparently have another opportunity for nasty weather tonight.  She may get her wish for a snow day tomorrow. 

The colder weather has meant there's not much to do but stay indoors, so it's perfect stitching weather.  Over the weekend the last border was pieced and stitched to the McCall's Mystery Quilt.  It's outgrown the design wall, so it took me a couple of days to get it photographed.  

McCall's Mystery Quilt, From McCall's Quilting Magazine
Jan/Feb, April/May, June/July 2012 issues

The bright blue border does a lot to balance out all the bright yellow in the center of the quilt.  The focus fabric looks better in person, the pink just swamps the blocks in the photographs.  But overall I like how it turned out.  

The finished flimsy is half of my One Monthly Goal for January.  The other half of the goal is to get the back pieced.  That's been started but hit a snag when I realized there wasn't enough of the focus fabric to make a complete backing.  There's not enough left over of any of the other fabrics to use on the back, I have enough blue or yellow to make a binding (actually it's a bit iffy on the yellow).  After a search through the stash, I came up with a pale pink that looks good with the focus fabric.  It's been in the stash for at least 10 years, so it's on the cutting table waiting to be ironed.  I should be able to get the back pieced by the end of the weekend.  It feels nice to be on top of this month's goal.  

Linking up with 
Let's be Social at Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation


Sweet Pea said...

Here in the southern hemisphere, it's been hot ... another reason to stay indoors.
I've always thought blue and yellow were meant for each other. The floral blocks just brings it all together.
Dropping by from WIP Wed.

Lorna McMahon said...

You are making great progress, Kate. So glad to hear you found something in your stash that will work as the backing. Can't wait to see how you decide to quilt this beauty! We have been getting dumped on with snow the last two weeks and this has resulted in four days off school in total for my two kids. So lots of sewing here too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

blue and yellow - great! little bit of ice here and it was enough to close schools

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Congrats on your finish - it looks terrific! Blue and yellow always complement each other so well.

Unknown said...

It looks wonderful, love the shade of blue!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Blue and yellow is a great combo - this is just lovely.

Libby in TN said...

Nice finish. We had a layer of sleet and a bit of snow on top of it, but were able to get out to the grocery store this afternoon -- only because we parked a car at the bottom of our hill .... More wintry weather is heading our way this week. Stay warm and safe.

Paige said...

Looks great! Good for you using fabric from your stash!

Kaja said...

Nice finish, and I am so impressed you did it from your stash.

Kaja said...

Nice finish, and I am so impressed you did it from your stash.

Julie in GA said...

Great finish, and way to go on meeting your goals!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Dropping by from Needle and Thread Thursday. This is really coming together! Me, I would have pieced the leftovers for the backing, but to find a place for a piece that's been in your stash for 10 years is ever more practical!

AnnieO said...

Freezing Fog sounds horrible to be out in--good thing there's lots of things to work on in your sewing room! The top looks great, glad the stash provided a solution to the backing.

Laney said...

Love the blue and yellow and doesn't it feel good to use stuff from your stash?! I love doing that. :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Awww Poor DT! We want a day off too! good luck on our OMG!!

Anonymous said...
