Sunday, January 17, 2016

Stash Report - Week Three of 2016

It's cold this morning. The high is projected to be only 7 degrees higher than the it is now (which is about 20 F).  Thankfully I have no place to be so I can hang out inside all day.  After a full frontal attack on the laundry, I do hope to spend some time in the sewing room this afternoon.  

It's not been a bad week of stitching.  The McCall's Mystery quilt is now a finished flimsy.  No pictures as yet, it's much too big to fit on the design wall.  Not a lot of fabric out this week as most of the pieced border on that mystery quilt had already been counted as out.  

Used last week:  1.17 yards
Used in January: 1.85 yards
Used year to date:  1.85 yards
Purchased year to date:  0 yards
Net used for 2016:  1.85 yards

Most of the outgoing comes from finishing a few Allietare blocks.  Next week should be really good as the next step for the McCall's Mystery is to make the backing for it. 

This year I'm also keeping up with how many days I manage to find at least 15 minutes to stitch.  Time in the sewing room equals progress and more fabric out. 

This week:  7 out of 7 days
This month:  16 out of 16 days
This year:  16 out of 366 days

So far I'm doing a good job of not succumbing to the gravity well of the recliner in the evening.  

That's good progress on two of my sewing room goals. I'm also doing well on this year's photography goals. My Guy has challenged me to take a picture a day this year.  We've done this before, but it's been a few years.  Typically taking shots of a WIP or two will save the day if I need a shot at the end of the day.  But I didn't really have any progress to photograph yesterday, so that meant finding something else.  My Guy opted for a walk, but with temps hovering around freezing, that wasn't one of my options.  Here's what I came up with for my photo of the day.


That's it for me today.  Now it's back to the battle of  laundry and probably a second cup of coffee while I take a peak at who is winning the battle of the stash over at Patchwork Times.  


Melsquiltingblog said...

I enjoy your blog. Love the idea of a picture a day. What fun.

Shelina said...

That is great that you have been able to get sewing every day this year - and got your picture in. Lovely.

Denise :) said...

I rather like the sheen and curl of your photo of the day! You did great getting in your time this week - I'm impressed! And holding firm on the stash, too ... very nice, Kate! Stay warm, have fun (after the laundry) and enjoy your sewing room today! :)

Charlene S said...

I can give even odds that your "15 minutes" was often more. "Gravity Wells" and "Time Warps" describe my sofa and my studio. LOL

Julie in GA said...

Beautiful photograph! Congrats on getting some sewing time in every day last week, and I look forward to seeing your McCall's Mystery top.

Libby in TN said...

Congrats on the finishes. There's an older fabric that looks like your ribbon curls -- I think it was a Hoffman challenge fabric ....

Dar said...

Keep up the good work. You are moving in the right direction. Your shot of the day has my favorite colors in it! Very pretty.

Marti said...

Your numbers look great; keep up the good work! Nice photograph too.

Katie Z. said...

Way to go!