Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Vintage Blues

I'm moving a bit slow this morning.  The head cold is a bit better.  No runny nose, but I have one heck of a sinus headache.  No one in the office has been sick, I must have picked up this lovely infection from that conference last week.  My Guy was wondering if it was the flu, but I don't feel quite that bad.  

During my attempt to ignore my symptoms by stitching, I finished up the second blue Vintage Dress for January.

  Vintage Dresses by Charise Randell
 I love that blueberry fabric.  This looks a lot like a dress my Mother wore in high school.  I'm very happy with how this one turned out.  Here's both January dresses.  

I love the finished blocks, but I'm struggling with all the paper piecing.  It's a good thing I decided to only make two a month.  

That's it for me this week.  You can find more blocks in blue over at Soscrappy.  


LA Paylor said...

yep, I ordered this pattern because of you. These two dresses are so pretty. I would love to have a waist again, and wear one like them. I once had a waist...The fabrics are so charming the way you placed them. Good matching on seams too!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Your dresses are wonderful! I am impressed. I would have no patience, even though I would love to have dresses in every color!

Julie in GA said...

Your dresses are absolutely adorable! I love that blueberry fabric too (I think I might even have some of it around here.) Beautiful work with the paper piecing--it is slow, but turns out so well.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

You have chosen some beautiful fabrics - design and color- for your dresses. For someone who doesn't paper piece, you are doing such a terrific job.

scraphappy said...

It will get easier. Paper piecing almost makes sense after a while. Such beautiful dresses though! Worth all the effort.

Nell's Quilts said...

Oh! I see a whole closet full of dresses appearing over the course of the year. You must be having so much fun selecting the fabrics for each section. The same but each one so unique.

Shelina said...

These are both such gorgeous dresses. I hope you feel better soon. I need to figure out paper piecing myself.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Perfect pairing of dress and trim fabric on the blueberry dress. SEW sweet!!

Deb A said...

Your dresses are beautiful! I think I have some of that fabric in my stash - I love it too so can't bear to use it. Hope you are feeling better. The flu bug going around down here knocks you out for a week. Hope that is not the case for you. Tea with honey and lots of rest.

Cathy said...

Congrats to you on sticking with that paper piecing. It produced gorgeous results (and dresses). You picked the perfect fabrics for them.

Pamela Arbour said...

Your dresses are beautiful. Hope you get to feeling better.


Yep--you got me into trouble--I seen that first blue dress and I just had to buy the pattern and download it--and did get my first dress made--but not sure about doing 2 a month--may just stick to one!!!!
love both of your blue ones though--
hope you get to feeling better soon--and I also am suffering with some sinus issues today--must be something in the air--
love and laughter, di

Chantal said...

Fantastic dresses. So much work but what a statement they make. I can see my mom in the Blueberry dress too. I would buy the first one if it was real. It is so gorgeous. Wonderful work! ;^)

Gina said...

These are great. Where is the pattern from as I know a friend who would love a quilt made of these x

PeggyinNO said...

Your dresses are unbelievably CUTE!! I can see Donna Reed or Doris Day wearing one of those! I think I may have just shown my age!!!
Hope you are feeling better soon.

Kathy S. said...

Wow, these are gorgeous! LOVE both prints. :) Hope you are feeling better soon.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I'm a terrible paper piecer, so I am very impressed with your little dresses--so adorable!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Your blue dresses are gorgeous. Hope you feel better soon.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

These are exquisite!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

These are exquisite!

PaulaB quilts said...

This second is even prettier, looks like you could slip it on right now. The skirt seems to be blowing in a breeze. Congrats!

Dasha said...

Those dresses are fantastic! Of the two, I think the second is my fav. Hope you recover soon and are on your feet again.

Katie Z. said...

Your dresses are quite lovely,

The head cold is rotten! I've finally gotten past mine, and the kids are finally well too, so the tissues have stopped appearing in the dryer!

gayle said...

Oh, those dresses are absolutely beautiful! I'm trying not to let you tempt me...

Béa said...

Very beautiful blocks !

Kathleen said...

You are doing a beautiful job on these! I really do have to buy this pattern. It's been on my wishlist long enough!

Angie said...


Denise :) said...

These are marvelous! I absolutely adore these!!! :)