Even with lots of stitching time, I'm finding it hard to get to every item on my to do list. Mostly because I still have a couple of projects with deadlines, the SAHRR and the guild BOM. I probably should have stuck to a shorter list for last week.
To Do List for 3/11/2025
1. 2025 Guild BOM: Finish April Blocks ✔
2. SAHRR: Start on finial borders ✔
3. Chocolate Marshmallows: Make backing - no progress
4. On Ringo Lake: Cut pieces for last block - no progress
5. Wild and Goosey: Continue making blue blocks ✔
6. Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders ✔
Four out of six isn't a bad week, especially since I made really good progress on my two deadline projects. I'm going to need to keep up on the BOM blocks as I'm the coordinator this year. I realized that I'll need to have a finished quilt top for the December meeting. I'd best get a bit ahead so I can make that happen. This week's list will be a bit shorter.
To Do List for 3/18/2025
1. SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Finish Borders
The link up for the parade of quilts is next Monday, so I really need to finish piecing all the blocks and get the borders assembled and attached. This will be my priority project. I only have 2 more sets of hourglass blocks to make and trim. From that point the block assembly goes much faster.
2. 2025 Guild BOM: Start May blocks
This may seem really early to start that month's blocks, but I have to have them ready for the April Meeting. So far I've been completing my blocks the day before or day of the meeting. That's cutting it a bit close, so I'm going to work on getting a bit ahead.
3. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making blue blocks
4. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders
I'm going to keep it simple this week so I can get the SAHRR to finished quilt top. If I finish the list early, I'll work on a backing for the SAHRR. It needs to be finished by July, so I need to get it out for quilting pretty quickly.
Normally I link up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday, but she doesn't have a post up as yet. If one goes up later, I'll link up.
Much better to think about having the quilt top ready for the December meeting now than to realize that much closer to the deadline!
4 out of 6 is terrific!
Sometimes you do have to focus on just one thing in order to get it to the finish line! Good luck with the SAHRR borders. I'm looking forward to seeing it!
Busy , busy, busy! Which is always a good thing. It is good to get as far ahead on items as possible especially when deadlines loom. Have a lovely week checking off your list, Kate. Hugs.
That’s why I stopped doing monthly goal-setting. I started stressing about not getting everything done, and that just seemed silly. You still managed to accomplish a lot
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