Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Marble Mystery

I truly detest sewing to deadlines, but I really wanted to finish the Marble Mystery Quilt top in time to post it at the Meadow Mist Designs Marble Mystery quilt parade.  The linky party closes at midnight and I didn't finish the quilt top till 3:30 this afternoon.  That's cutting it a bit close for comfort. 

The mystery started back in July of last year.  One of my rules for mystery quilts is that the fabrics have to come from my stash (well at least most of the fabrics from the stash).  The yardage requirements were pretty small for this mystery so I was able to pull out a bunch of leftovers. 

The plan was to stay mostly monochromatic except for the butterfly print.  Fabric placement was dictated by how much I had of each.  But overall I'm pretty happy with how these all played together in the final quilt top. 

Thank you Cheryl for another fun mystery.  I'm hoping there's a new mystery this summer.  I have lots of stash that needs to find just the right quilt.  

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