Sunday, March 16, 2025

Stitching Stuff: Week 11 of 2025


How are you faring this weekend?  If you lived in eastern half of the US, it definitely was a weekend to remember.  I'm very grateful that the worst we got was the high winds, peak wind gusts of up to 67 mph on Friday.  There were a few small wild fires around town, you could smell the smoke most of the afternoon. But all were extinguished or contained by sundown. The blowing dust obscured the sun by late afternoon. Thankfully we didn't get the near zero visibility that happened in parts of Texas or the city devouring flames that hit other communities in Oklahoma. My heart goes out to all those that lost homes to fire or the storms that hit other parts of the US.  

I spent my Friday at the local quilt shop at open sew.  It was nicer to be with others while we monitored the alerts from our county emergency management system.  Overall it was a good week on the stitching front. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/March = 15/15 days
  • 15 minute days/2025 =  69/73 days
  • Success rate = 93.24%

I made good progress on the Guild BOM blocks and the last border for the SAHRR, but not much else.  I'm going to need to get busy today to have check marks on the rest of my to do list for the week.   

How did your week work out?


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Sorry for the bad weather, it was a great idea to be all together at the quilt shop. Well done this week again, you manage to keep your numbers in a high level!

Linda said...

Glad you had no damage. I follow an Oklahoma quilter on Instagram, and she said both her kids lost their homes to fires! We had high wind and dust but no damage - we feel lucky.

Pack Rat With a Plan said...

I'm glad you are okay. There is comfort in numbers - and quilting.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I'm glad on the side of the state that you are on wasn't as bad as OKC that was bad from what I was seeing on the news

Sara said...

Glad you dodged the worst of the storms. Our local college women's Division II basketball team was to play in Langston on Friday night but had to be evacuated due to the wildfires in the area. Game was played yesterday, and all the teams were safe.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I did not realize how bad the storms were until you mentioned them and I went and read about them. I'm glad your home and city are safe. Sewing with friends is definitely a comforting thing to do when the world is going crazy! Every little bit of progress counts!

MissPat said...

I thought about you yesterday while seeing the news stories about the storms. I'm glad you escaped any damage. Hard on the nerves though.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am so glad you are safe and sound, Kate. It was a wild and woolly weekend with all of the storms. We were on alert as well, but thankfully, no damage here. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.