I spent most of Saturday in the recliner with a sinus headache, but it abated enough on Sunday for me to spent the better part of the day in the sewing room. Our guild meeting is a week from Tuesday, so I spent most of Sunday cutting out the pieces for this month's BOM blocks. But there was time to get border 6 for the SAHRR (Quilting Gail) finally assembled and attached.
It came together pretty well. But it looks unfinished and it's a little small to use as a cuddle or couch quilt. This quilt is supposed to go to Grad Girl's current roommate. So after a bit of playing around in EQ, the plan is to add one more pieced border to finish it off. The plan is to have all of that done before the final parade later this month. We'll see how that goes.
Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.
1 comment:
Hope the headache has gone away! Fluctuations in air pressure as weather fronts come through can do that. I'll be interested in seeing your round 7 border for SAHRR. The colors are wonderful.
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