Sunday, March 2, 2025

Stitching Stuff: Week 9 of 2025


This week was one of recovery for me.  The trip to Texas to see Grad Girl was a lot of fun. The timing of the trip coincided with a concert that both Grad Girl and I wanted to go to.   


We had pretty good seats and thankfully were able to sit for the whole concert.  The artist was Taemin, a member of the Kpop group Shinee.  This was only my second Kpop concert and it was a very good one.  The first one was a lot wilder.  Shinee is one of the older Kpop bands, so many of the fans were older and not young girls. That makes a huge difference in how well you can hear the music. At least that was my take away from this concert.  I'm lucky that Grad Girl's friends think it's fun that her mom likes Kpop and didn't bat an eye at me tagging along. 

I did take my sewing machine along on the trip and got lots of sewing done over the weekend. I drove back on Monday and was just too tired when I got home to do anything on the stitching front. That day off shows up in this week's stitching metrics.

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 25/28 days 
  • 15 minute days/2025 = 55/60 days
  • Success rate = 91.67%

Definitely not the year I had in 2024. But keeping my success rate over 90% is still really good.  I've been playing catch up on chores and on my rest.  The problem with hanging out with young women 40 years younger than you is that it really messes up your sleep schedule.  Though I've more than spent my 15 minutes on the stitching front each day, I've not really had a whole afternoon of stitching time, so I'm not doing so hot on my to do list for the week. I still have a few days to check off a couple of things.  

How are you doing this week at finding the stitching time to check off items on your to do list?  


Gretchen Weaver said...

That is so special you and your daughter had a fun time together at the concert. I hope you find more time for stitching this week.

Linda said...

I had wondered who you saw at your concert. It is inspiring and exhausting to be around youth, right? The last concert I went to was an outdoor one at The Woodlands to see the always mellow James Taylor. :D

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is tiring when hanging around our daughters - luckily mine are closer to my age - I am 20 years older than one and 23 for the other now that one is in her early 50's and the other just about they have slowed down a little too :)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It sounds like a great visit with Grad Girl. I am not familiar with this artist, but attending a concert is always fun. I have a few bands that are on my bucket list to see in concert. I hope you are about caught up on all those "back home" chores. Have a great day, Kate. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's always fun to get out of town, but takes a bit of catching up once you get home! The concert sounds like it was fun! Have a great week - hope you get lots done.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

How fun to share a concert! No doubt you had a rest time while back home, it was an exhausting but wonderful trip!

Jennifer said...

How fun not only to spend the weekend with your daughter, but also to enjoy the concert with her and her friends - that's a cool mom!