Thursday, October 24, 2024

Photo Play: September Summary

With all the traveling lately, I'm way behind on looking at my photos. I definitely have not been as engaged with my photo play activities lately.  When I opened my photo files to look at what was there, I wasn't sure they'd be much of anything in them. But I found a few interesting shots to share.  

Photos were taken with either a Canon 70D DLSR or my I-Phone 12.  The DSLR shots used either a Tamron 18-400 telephoto or a Sigma 105 mm macro lens. 

We stayed in a loft in downtown Independence, Mo when we attended My Guy's sister's wedding. This sunset was just spectacular. Downtown Independence has lots and lots of churches. You can see the spires from several in this shot. (I-Phone 12) 


The loft we were staying at had some interesting decor.  I was playing around with my aperture settings when I took this shot. I liked the light reflecting off the gold and the contrast with the very dark background.(Canon 70D, Tamron 18-400 Telephoto)

The roses were still blooming at the end of September.  The early morning sun really brings out the pink of the petals.  Maybe not a knock out of a photo, but it's hard not to include at least one flower in my post. (Canon 70D, Tamron 18-400 telephoto)

We were in Eureka Springs, AR for the last few days of September. It was a fun trip and the camera came out to play a few times.  The rental we were staying in had these fascinating lace curtains. (Canon 70D, Sigma 105 mm macro)


It's been dry in both Oklahoma and Arkansas, so the leaves have mostly been turning brown and falling off. Typically we don't see peak fall colors till the end of October. But there were some leaves in the process of changing colors.  You can see the full range from green to brown in this shot.  (Canon 70D, Tamron 18-400 telephoto)

We ate lunch at the Mud Street Cafe on our first day in Eureka Springs. Our table was made of beer bottle caps. I thought it was a fun way to recycle the caps. (I-Phone 12)

My favorite photos from last month are the abstract gold and black photo of reflections and the close up of the lace curtains.  I think those are the most interesting of the set. 

I'm definitely not doing as much photography as I did at the beginning of the year. But at least I stuck with it longer than I did last year.  So that's something anyway.  I need to get back to my book learning part of photography, but it seems I so much rather spend time in the sewing room. There has been good progress there this year.  Even in retirement, you can't do everything.  

If you've read this far, thank you for hanging out for a non-quilty post.  Feedback is always welcome.  Is there one photo that strikes your fancy or one that you think maybe shouldn't have made the cut?  


The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I always enjoy your photography posts. I agree, the black and gold texture one is unique, my favorite.


lovely photos--though the leaf one made me feel a bit 'sad'--not sure why???? Your pink rose is alot like the one I have as a screen saver that I took of a pink rose along time ago!!!
have fun this week --hugs, di

Sara said...

The lace photo really caught my eye. Do you find that you SEE your surroundings differently since focusing more on photography?

Barbara said...

Beautiful and interesting photos. The steeples were interesting. When we were in Dubuque, Iowa, there were many steeples like that. There were so many, I started wondering if Dubuque was the state capital. It isn’t.

Linda said...

I'm partial to those lace curtains. I enjoyed your photo review, especially with the accompanying travelogue.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Enjoyed the pics! We have been to Eureka Springs many times over the years as a getaway. Not much left to do there but they still have a few of our fave restaurants (Local Flavor, Rogue's Manor....can't think of the others but tried a new Italian place a few years ago, off the path a bit--a house-turned-restaurant like so many of the businesses there!) so we go down just to get away, read a book and play some golf. If you ever go back, you might look into Heartstone Inn. We've been staying there for 20 years? or so? Rick and Cheri are just great and they'll fix you up a wonderful breakfast! (The main rooms are all nice but we always opt for the little country cottage.)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your photo of the sky view and church spires from your loft in Missouri made me want to go there and see it, too! I think that's the best thing about a good photo. It's fun for me to hear about your travels - photos included!

Preeti said...

Who knew the sky could appear golden? Love that first picture.