Monday, January 16, 2023

A New Project: The Stay at Home Round Robin

It was a miserable weekend outside, so it was definitely time to hide in the sewing room. My goal this weekend was to finish the center block for the Stay at Home Round Robin which starts today. You can find all the details over at Quilting Gail's kick off post.  I've watched this quilt along the past couple of years and it looks like such fun. We'll see if I can keep up with the prompts.  

I started with two options for my center block. 

A flower or

a couple of birds.  I decided on the birds. My Guy has been asking for a new recliner quilt. He's an avid bird watcher, so it just made sense to go that route.  

After raiding the stash, I came up with a gray to use as my neutral. The pieced parts of the borders will be pulled from my scrap bins, but I'm going to limit the color palette to blues, greens, teals and purples.  So to start, I raided the scrap bins for the center block. Here's for the fabric pull for the top bird. 

Here's for the pull for the lower bird.

I'm pretty happy with how those choices worked. 

The inspiration for the upper bird is an Indigo Bunting and an Mountain Bluebird is the model for the lower bird. The pattern used was "Feathers" by Margot Languedoc Designs from The Pattern Basket.  My Guy thinks it came out well.  So I'm off to a good start.  

Linking with Quilting Gail for the SAHRR center block kick off. Also linking up to the normal Monday linky parties for the Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.  


Vicki in MN said...

Your birds are just beautiful! We usually get to see an Indigo Bunting once each summer, they come into the yard for a few days(if we are lucky) and then disappear.

Julie in GA said...

The bird blocks are a fantastic start for the SAHRR! It will be fun to see where you go from there. I wasn't planning to participate this year, but it's hard to resist!

Linda said...

Wow I love the fabric choices, and they look SO good as birds! That's a nice idea for your Guy. :)

Sara said...

Great bird blocks! I've watched the SAHRR for the past couple of years, and have played along a little bit. The first year I got through 3 weeks before getting stuck and not liking what I added. Last year I only got through 1 week, but I'm using that SAHRR start from 2022 for a new project now. It's such fun to see how creative the participants are with the instructions.

Shelina said...

These are such cute blocks. There is another quilter who has BOMS who uses similar birds. I have been tempted to make a block here and there and combine them, but there are so many quilts to make.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The print for the wings/feathers for the Indigo Bunting is perfect. If your guy thinks it came out well, you really are off to a great start. They are lovely!

Marti said...

This is going to be a great quilt. You sure got those bird blocks together fast! I really like the fabric in the wings; it looks like feathers. I thought about joining the SAHRR, but I just cant make the time commitment. So I'll enjoy the rest of yours instead.

Quilting Gail said...

Love your birds!!!
So glad to hear you're joining us for SAHRR!!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Kate! Oh, I definitely agree with your My Guy! I think your center block turned out fabulously. You've got some fun fabrics to work with for the prompts in the coming weeks. I look forward to seeing where this goes next. I'm so glad you're joining us! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are fun bird blocks and great colors, too, Kate! I'll enjoy seeing your SAHRR progress!

Barbara said...

Your little birds are so much fun! I know a couple of blogging friends who are participating.

chrisknits said...

Your start is wonderful! And how sweet to make it for your husband!

Donna said...

Love the birds!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I liked both ideas - but I am really glad you chose the bird - he is fantastic!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Your birds are beautiful, Kate!

Jennifer said...

Great start to a new top - the birds are great