Sunday, March 14, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 11 of 2021

We've gone from cold and snowy to humid and wet. Extremely wet.  Yesterday we drove to Tulsa for some necessary shopping. The river was high, but not out of it's banks on the way out of town at about 10. By the time we got home at about 3, the river was not only out of it's banks, but one nearby field was completely flooded.  The flash flood warnings were no joke this weekend!  It's raining again this morning.  It may be an interesting drive into work tomorrow if this keeps up.  

On the stitching front it was another good week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Mar = 13/13 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 70/72 days
  • Success rate = 97.22%
My goal for 2021 is a success rate of 85%. I've done well to exceed that so far this year.  With the restriction on travel at work, I've been home more this year. I'd had two business trips by this time last year.  This week is usually spring break and we normally go someplace, but the Scientist in Training's school canceled spring break this year. So no plans for any travel on our calendar any time soon.   

All three of us were lucky to get our first COVID vaccination this week.  Oklahoma opened up stage 3 last Monday, which included individuals with co-morbidities and college students.  That fit me and the SIT, My Guy was lucky to get one of the left over doses this week. So hopefully as more get vaccinated, we'll be able to do a bit of traveling later this year.  The SIT would like to visit a few potential graduate schools this summer. So I fully expect to miss a few days later this year.  But for now, the daily sanity stitching will continue. 

How did you do at fitting in some sanity saving stitching time this week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Chrisknits
4. karen
5. Sherrie
6. Shasta @ High Road
7. DawnyK
8. Quilting Gail
9. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
10. DesertSky Quilting
11. amanda
12. Carol Andrews

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Julie in GA said...

Your stitching numbers are looking great! I like your phrase "sanity saving stitching time." That's exactly what it is for me too!
I'm glad to hear that you were able to get the vaccine. Like your guy, we were able to get on a waiting list at the local Walgreens and got our 1st vaccines on Friday. I'm hoping to be able to visit my mother and other family in Wisconsin in May. I haven't seen any of them since November 2019.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is nice that so many can get their shots - but I wish the states would do it all the same way, here many that are 65 and older still have not gotten their shots and they are not making exceptions for people with health problems below the age of 65 and some of those people really need a shot.
It will be nice when more get them

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Yay for the quilting stats! I'm glad you had the vaccine shot.

Linda said...

My husband got his second dose Friday and spent yesterday with aches and low grade fever, but he is back to normal today.
We grew up in Bixby, south of Tulsa, and during the 1950s the Arkansas river flooded twice, so I know how quickly it can rise! We went to Northeastern State University (back then it was "College") and our first 7 years of marriage were in Bartlesville. We've lived in Oklahoma City and Edmond. I'd give my eye teeth to move back to Oklahoma, but at least we are close now - only 7 miles from the border!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on Covid vaccines for your family, Kate! 3 out of 4 of us have gotten our 1st shots. SEW glad that your limited travel is boosting your stitching time!

chrisknits said...

We've entered our cold, warm, cool, warm season. A hint of warm makes us happy and then, cold comes back!

Sherrie said...

We have been having spring like weather too, the air is
still cold. I'm still thinking about the Covid shots.
Been reading about the side effects. Have a great day!

Marti said...

We're having similar humidity but not as much rain. I heard on the news that we are in drought but find that hard to believe with the rain we had last month. Be safe tomorrow!

I haven't done well with my stitching this week. I feel like I am spinning my wheels. Trying to get everything done, I am getting nothing done.

DawnyK said...

Fantastic news. So glad you all are making progress on your shots. Hubby got his, but I have to wait. Take care and stay safe!!!

Shelina said...

I am so glad you were all able to get your vaccines. I have been the Vacine Hunter in our family, and have found doses for each person as their group opens up. Mine appointment is coming up in a couple of weeks.

dq said...

Wow for the moisture and flooding. Flash floods indeed are no joke and can be very dangerous.

Wonderful to hear that you got your first shot. My husband will get number two soon and we will both feel a little more at ease.

dq said...

Wow for the moisture and flooding. Flash floods indeed are no joke and can be very dangerous.

Wonderful to hear that you got your first shot. My husband will get number two soon and we will both feel a little more at ease.

Susan said...

Your percentage of stitching days is awesome! The last time I was through Tulsa, a long time ago, there was a horrendous hail storm which we were lucky enough to wait out under an overpass, but it was terrible! I hope you don't have problems getting to work.

seabreezequilts said...

There has been a hold up of covid vaccines getting to Australia as we are getting ours from Europe and they've put a stop to it as we don't have much of the virus here which I guess is fair enough but they are starting to produce it here and once production is up to speed our reliance on OS supply will be less. They say 50+ age group will start getting their's in June. Glad you are covered now.

Carol Andrews said...

Your stitching time is great. Good to hear about your vaccines. Here in our Province we might be able to get our first dose by the end of April. In British Columbia they are starting by age groups (over 90, then 85-90, then 80-85, etc. And with our native population over 65. Each week they drop down by 5 years.) .

Emily said...

Yay for first vaccine doses! I got my first one almost 2 weeks ago and Husband is in the group that opened yesterday in our state--he gets his tomorrow.

Jennifer said...

Great numbers and great news for the vaccine! I scored a leftover shot too and am so glad to have 1 down!