Sunday, March 28, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 13 of 2021

It's been a beautiful weekend so far.  We worked in a little hiking this weekend, I was definitely ready for some away from the office time.  Normally the sewing room is my sanity, but it was nice to shake things up a bit and spend an afternoon with My Guy.  It hasn't been the easiest week to find just 15 minutes to play with needle and thread. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Mar = 26/27 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 83/86
  • Success rate = 96.51%
My six day stitching week was caused by late meetings one evening this week. I was just too tired to even contemplate walking up the stairs to the sewing room after that long a day.  You can share how your week went at the end of the post. 

We took the good SLRs along on our walk and we got a few good shots. 

We hiked along the creek at one of the local state parks. Usually this creek is just a trickle, but we've had so much rain the last couple of weeks, it looks more like a river than the sleepy creek is usually is all summer.  

Water in motion always looks like glass to me, Lots of splashing going on at the bottom of even that short drop.  

I'm pretty sure this is a Woodpecker.  I forgot to ask My Guy what type it is.  My Guy does a lot of wildlife photography, so he's the knowledgeable one on that front.

The only blooming thing along the trails were the Chickasaw Plums.  The red buds are just getting started, but weren't showy enough to be worth snapping at this point.  

I'm hoping we can get some more hiking and photography in before it gets too hot.  It does seem here that we an go from comfortable in March to hot by the end of April.  

That was my week. How did you stitchy week work out?  Please link  up share how well (or not well) you kept up with your own stitching 

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Chrisknits
4. maggie f
5. Chris in Canada
6. Meloney
7. Marti
8. Sherrie
9. Shasta @ High Road
10. Andree at Quilting & Learning
11. Quilting Gail
12. katie z.
13. Amanda
14. DesertSky Quilting
15. DawnyK
16. Carol Andrews
17. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
18. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts

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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I don't think we have any of the plum trees that you show but our redbuds are in full bloom and the weeping cherry tree too. I planted a forsythia bush last year but it is too small for flowers maybe next year?

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful photos, I love Spring ;)
My week was a little crazy too, not even 15 minutes to stitch...

Ivani said...

Great shots! I love nature. Glad you take the time for a walk.
Happy stitching

maggie fellow said...

we take spring when we can find it. One day lovely the next yukky

Barbara said...

Beautiful photos. We had a nice day yesterday too. Sure is nice to see the sunshine.

Marti said...

Great hiking photos! Do you like to hike on hills or flatter terrain? Your photo of the wild plum blossoms reminded me that I haven't checked mine. I'm afraid they didn't make it through the winter after being ripped out of the ground by the water department and then being replanted with what was left of their roots, only to go through that freeze. 6 out of 7 days is still pretty darn good too.

Andree G. Faubert said...
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Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, thanks so much for those wonderful photos. They are really terrific. I thought that the photo was about ice but it's actually water. wow! I haven't done as much stitching as I would like last week but there is always next week!

Sherrie said...

Awesome shots of your "creek". And a great
job on your stitching time. Have a great day!

Shelina said...

That looks like a wonderful place to hike and your photographs are gorgeous! I feel refreshed just looking at them!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome photos, Kate, and congrats on sewing 6 out of 7 days last week! I agree that some days, it's just TOO MUCH to have to climb the stairs to the studio. I had one of those days this week, as well.

seabreezequilts said...

I have a huge book of Australian birds that my Mum gave me for my 16th birthday at the time I was going to be a biologist or zoologist (neither happened) but I still have the book and it comes out whenever we spot a bird that we don't know what it is. Mo uses it to press flowers as it is about 4 inches think so perfect for that purpose, but all the illustrations are in the old victorian style and I love looking through the book when we see a strange gull on the beach or a kestrel in the dunes.

Susan said...

Your photo are gorgeous! What a beautiful walk.

Emily said...

Beautiful photos! We were able to take a nice long walk at a local park last Saturday too, we've also had lots of rain recently so finding a rain-free day can be a challenge!

Jennifer said...

Way behind in blog reading, but love your pictures! I love watching water, whether the ocean, a river or a lake - water photos are so cool!

dq said...

I love the early spring blooms. It is such a beautiful idea the way fruit trees blossom and then become fruit. Perhaps the tree in your photo isn't even a fruit tree, but it is still a wonderful idea.

Sorry that I accidentally linked up twice.