Sunday, November 22, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 47 of 2020

It was one of those weeks for me.  Deadlines unfortunately are real things and I spent a lot of time this last week working to meet mine. That cut into my stitching (and blogging) time this last week.  How about you?  Was this an excellent week for you or did life have other plans for your stitching time? You can link up at the bottom of the post to share how the stitching went this week.  

I stayed late at work several nights last week and went in early a couple of days to stay on top of looming deadlines.  That cut into my stitching time this week.  
  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Nov = 17/21 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 291/326 days
  • Success rate = 89.26%
So not a perfect week.  A couple days all I managed to fit in was 15 minutes. This was a week that I really needed those 15 minutes of sanity when I could get them in.  Thankfully I'm off all this week, though I'm on call Wednesday if they need a supervisor on site.

One of the things on the to do list for this next week is to make some Christmas themed face masks.  I ordered some fun novelty Christmas fabrics from Spoonflower when they had their half off fat quarters sale last month. 

I think my favorite is the elves (gnomes?)   The characters on the Nutcracker fabric may be too big for a mask. I may have to cut off a few legs. 

That was my stitchy week. I'm hoping for a lot more stitching time this week.  My Guy and the Scientist in Training have put their heads together on Thanksgiving dinner. It will just be the three of us this year. And we are thankful we can do that much this year. The SIT has been especially careful about contact with others so she could come home this week. Campus is closed for the whole week, which is nice. She'll have a chance to recoup a bit before she ends back for dead week and finals.   

How was your stitching week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Chrisknits
4. Meloney
5. Shasta @ High Road
6. DawnyK
7. Amanda
8. Quilting Gail

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Julie in GA said...

Enjoy your week off and time with the family. I hope you get lots of stitching time!

Jennifer said...

Had a great stitching week, but also a busy week at work to be able to be caught up before vacation started Friday. Planning for some more fun projects in the coming week as it will be quiet around here as well. Hope you have a nice week with the SIT!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice weather cut into my stitching time this week - now that the weather is cooling of I'm sure I will get more done on the quilts - have a happy thanksgiving.

Barbara said...

Cute fabrics. I ike the gnomes too.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Fun fabric for masks! I've been thinking about making some holiday ones also. Enjoy your week off!

Marti said...

I like the colorful Christmas tree fabric? Which type of mask do you prefer? I used to like the fitted mask, but one of my doctors makes us take a new mask with every visit and it is the rectangular pleated kind and I've found that (with a metal nose piece) it fits tighter to my face and no more fogged glasses. The fitted ones had metal nose pieces too, so it must be the design. I may try to make some this week too.

MissPat said...

I love the multi-colored Christmas trees and the gnomes. Good choices for masks. Sorry your work week intruded on your sewing time. But a week off should help, especially since you can't really go much of anywhere else. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with the SIT.

Shelina said...

Work does tend to get in the way. I didn't have a lot of stitching time due to work (but no overtime), and some genealogy and cooking distractions.

DawnyK said...

You did so good even with all the work deadlines and requirements. Enjoy your week off and hope you get some good stitching in!

seabreezequilts said...

I love the top trees and the gnomes they look like gnomes more than elves they will make fun masks. I've been madly trying to get stuff done before I go on leave but I am sort of running out of work to do as this is our slow time of year.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Christmas face masks are a great idea! I have some fun Christmas fat quarters. I hope you get more stitching time this week. Last week was a not a great week for my stitching, either, and I got almost no on the weekend. Hopefully this week will be better!