Sunday, October 4, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 40 of 2020

It was pretty much a nothing but sewing day for me yesterday. I needed the sanity stitching.  It was a nice way to cap off a busy week. Nothing but sewing days are a rare event in my schedule, which is why working in those 15 minutes of stitching time each day is so important. It may not seem like much, but that extra hour plus of stitching time each week does make a difference. 

Finding those 15 minutes each day wasn't too hard this last week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/September = 28/30 days
  • 15 minute days/October = 3/3 days
  • 15 minute days 2020 = 247/277 days
  • Success rate = 89.17%
The goal was to stitch at least 85% of the year. I'm doing well on that front at the three quarters point of 2020.  The end of the year tends to be busy, so fingers crossed I can maintain the success through the next three months. 

Since it's a new month, it's time to link up with Quiltpaintcreate for the monthly stash report.  
  • Fabric used in September = 6.9 yards
  • Fabric used YTD = 53.19 yards
  • More fabric in than out for 2020
I didn't set a goal around how much fabric I would use this year, so I'm on track there.  There's more fabric out this year than there was the previous two years, so that's positive.  I need to piece one more back before the end of the year, so that will up the numbers a bit more.  

How are you doing with your stitching goals for 2020?  Have you been able to work in enough stitching time to use up a bit of fabric and cut down the UFO list?  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Chrisknits
4. Meloney
5. Shasta @ High Road
6. DawnyK
7. Quilting Gail
8. Amanda
9. Jennifer in Indy
10. Angie in SoCal

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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice for you to get in a sewing day without a lot of interruptions I'm sure

Donna said...

Good usage. Lucky you getting a sewing day.

Denise :) said...

Look at you, getting that time in!! It's nice to have a solid day of stitching, isn't it? Sanity Stitching ... I think that's definitely a thing!! :)

Meloney said...

I only got to sew a little because my guild had a come by and see us day. It was nice to see some folks. I paid my dues and turned quilts in and picked them up. LOL I think I brought 3 more home than I had planned.

Sara said...

15 minutes per day might be more realistic that my goal of an hour per day. I doubt that I've even come close to that some weeks. Good for you in meeting that goal.

DawnyK said...

Congratulations on having a stitching day! That sounds lovely. I am so proud to have had a finish this week. It's funny that you mentioned UFO because it was my oldest one from 2015. I am sitting with my legs wrapped in it right now. Thanks so much for hosting! Well done on your yardage usage. Maybe in 2021, I will be able to track supplies better and join in on the stash use.

Shelina said...

I am glad you were able to find time to have a whole stitching day. I also hope that the rest of the year does give you sufficient time to recuperate and relax.

Emily said...

Ah, those rare "sew all day" days! So glad you got one. Lots of chores for us this weekend, basically no sewing on Sunday but I got a little on Saturday. Have a great week!

seabreezequilts said...

A day of nothing but sewing is pure bliss. Have a good week.

Jennifer said...

Wow, a whole day of sewing? What a luxury! Hope you enjoyed it and got all that you wanted done. Great progress with your stash and stitching time numbers.