Sunday, September 20, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 38 of 2020

 The weather has been nice, cool in the mornings, warm in the afternoons. It's a good time of year for yard work, which is the plan for this morning. I'm hoping for a full afternoon in the sewing room to get a good start on my stitching time for week 39.  Today will hopefully be a lot more than 15 minutes, which is my goal during the work week.  

A two day sinus headache took a bite out of my stitching time this week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/September = 17/19 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 233/263
  • Success rate = 88.59%

So not a bad week, just not a perfect week on the stitching front. The big focus this week was on figuring out the path forward on my oldest UFO.  I found the sashing fabric in my stash, but now I'm not sure it works as it's not quite the same red as the border fabric.  

But it seems to blend just fine with the blocks and the border when I lay them it out with the border fabric and the blocks.  

I tried some red X's on white.  It looks fine, it just doesn't match my vision for the sashing.  

My plan was to stick with just reds for the sashing and border, but maybe that's not the best option. So I tried print with small red and blue stars. 

Then tried a print with larger red and blue starts. Of the two I like the larger stars.  Of the 4, I like the two red and white prints best. So I may have to pin those up on the design wall this week and think on it a bit. This is the reason the quilt isn't finished, I could never settle on a setting, so it kept getting put away.  Hopefully, that won't happen this time.  

So how did you do this week at finding time to stitch this week?


1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Shasta @ High Road
4. Meloney
5. karen
6. Sherrie
7. DawnyK
8. Quilting Gail
9. Amanda
10. Deana

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Julie in GA said...

Tough choices for your sashing--they all look good! I think the second choice is my least favorite and the large stars are my top pick.
I tend to get bogged down at that point on a project too and second guess my decisions. Good luck getting this to the finished stage!

Donna said...

I like the large stars the best. It made me smile. I think putting it on the design wall and living with it a while is a good idea.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That does look like a hard decision to make! I like the sashing with the larger stars, too. Maybe it's because of the way it contrasts with the dark blue in your star blocks. This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

Barbara said...

I think any of those fabrics could work, but your vision is what matters. As for the red being not quite right, when I have something like that, I add a very narrow stop border or a flange. I love those stars. Looking forward to seeing the whole thing come together.

chrisknits said...

I like the top red/white prints, and of them I like the 2nd one better. Doesn't compete with the stars. Hope you can pick a winner and get this moved to the next stage.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

such pretty stars - they are a bit of work aren't they

Pamela said...

I do like the larger stars, I think it's a fun touch to the quilt. Sometimes it's really hard to choose!

Sherrie said...

Love all those pretty.
Have a great day!

DawnyK said...

Good luck with choosing your stars layout. Hope you are feeling all better this week.

Shelina said...

I hope you feel better this week. These stars are so beautiful - the colors are so wonderful. Each of the settings would work well - I like the one at the top the best.

seabreezequilts said...

I like the large stars the best. Really Like the blocks its going to be a lovely quilt.

dq said...

I favor the little blue "x"s or the large stars. I am actually surprised how much I like those large stars! You do have to go with what feels right to you. A quilt friend once told me that the quilt tells you what it wants. I have come to believe that over the years!

Jennifer said...

My favorites are the second and the fourth - can’t wait to see what you choose!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I like the 2nd background. Have you tried blue instead of read? It would really bring out the blue in the blocks and cool all the red down.

I like the red, white, and blue star blocks! Hugs