Sunday, September 6, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 36 of 2020

It's been a slow it down kind of weekend so far. The heat and humidity are back, so it's been nice to just hang out in the house. Actually we were under quarantine the first few days of the week, so going anywhere wasn't going to happen anyway. Getting in my 15 minutes each day has been pretty easy.  How are you doing at working in some stitching time each day?  

I must be on a roll, this is the second week I've managed to stitch all 7 days.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/August = 28/31 days
  • 15 minute days/ September = 5/5 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 221/249 days
  • Success rate = 88.76%
So August ended well and September is off to a good start.  I'm still on track with my goal to stitch more than 85% of the year.  

I'm still tracking my stash usage.

  • Fabric used in August = 14.69 yards
  • Fabric used YTD = 46.29 yards
  • More fabric in than out for 2020

The big boost for last month was two quilt backs, one for Storm at Sea and the other for the Christmas Mystery quilt. September should get a boost from the backing for Frolic.  I don't have a goal for stash usage this year. I need to use another 20 yards to exceed my best stash usage year.  That's not likely, but maybe I'll get close.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the regular stash report.  

You can link up below to share how your stitchy week went.  

1. maggie f
2. Julie in GA
3. Chrisknits
4. Meloney
5. karen
6. Sherrie
7. Shasta @ High Road
8. DawnyK
9. Quilting Gail
10. Amanda
11. Jennifer in Indy
12. Angie in SoCal

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Donna said...

You're doing great on finishing your UFOs. The new stash gives you lots of options for starting new projects. It's all good!

Meloney said...

You are working away at finishing things. I am too, but mine are small items this year. I don't know why, but it is what it is. I've also been gifted fabric, so my numbers are lower than last year.
Now, I'm cleaning and that cuts into the sewing time.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I'm going to have to look in my box of quilts that need to be quilted and see if I have backs put aside, I'm pretty sure one does but I'm not sure on the other one.

Sherrie said...

Great Stash Report...your goal for the year
is doing good too...have a great day!

chrisknits said...

I finally got my 7th day in last night by knitting. I was gone all day doing sewing related shopping, does that count? LOL

DawnyK said...

Great stats! Doing so consistently in 2020 is excellent. Proud of you for keeping your stash usage stats going. Well done.

Shelina said...

You are making great progress stitching along. We had a bit of humidity too. So sorry you had to be in quarantine again. Hope everything is okay. I don't even keep track anymore of what restrictions we have here - just stay hunkered down as much as possible and wait for it to pass over.

seabreezequilts said...

I like to use Voiles on the backs of my quilts and my voile stash is just about depleted and you just can't get it down here unless you go for a plain colour. I spoke to my LCS and she says she just doesn't see it to order it any more. One thing about Covid is that its been really easy to find time to stitch as we only go to the shops when we absolutely have to.

Jennifer said...

I had a good week at the end of a great month! Our weather continues to be up and down temperature-wise, so I am trying to spend time outside when it is nice! Won't be too long before it's too cool to sit outside and enjoy the back yard and some outdoor stitching time!

Miaismine said...

Your numbers look great! I'm so glad you're able to move things right along! I love the clean, colorful look of your header. Very pretty!