Sunday, August 30, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 35 of 2020

 It was 100 F on Friday, so we finally got some typical August weather.  Thankfully a front came through Saturday morning and that cooled temps back down again.  It's supposed to be a rainy day, so a good day to just hang out in the sewing room. Hanging in the sewing room happened a lot this week.  How about you?  Were you able to work in 15 minutes or more on a regular basis this week? 

It was a good week on the stitching front. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/August = 26/29 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 214/242 days
  • Success rate = 88.43%

It's been a few weeks since my last 7 out of 7 week. My goal for the year is to get into the sewing room for a bit 85% of the time. I wanted to give myself a break on the having to sew every day. Besides the fact that life just gets in the way sometime, it is sometimes good to just go do something else.  You can link up below and share how much sewing room time you got in this week. 

We had to do a car switch with the Scientist in Training. So we drove over to see her on Saturday.  After lunch, we took a walk across campus.  Since Oklahoma State is the agriculture college in the state, it has some pretty impressive grounds with gorgeous and unusual flowers. I pretty much took a photo of every blooming thing, but here's just a couple of my favorites from the walk. (I have no idea what any of these flowers are, just that they are pretty.) 


And these guys in front of the library were appropriately attired to meet current campus rules.  

We had a short, but good visit with the SIT.  Both she and her roommate have busy schedules this next semester, so we didn't hang around for long. 

So I'm hoping for a nothing but laundry and sewing day to begin this week's stitching time.  How did you do last week at getting in some stitching time?   

1. karen
2. katie z.
3. Julie in GA
4. Meloney
5. Quilting Gail
6. Angie in SoCal
7. amanda
8. Chrisknits
9. Shasta @ High Road

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DawnyK said...

So glad you had a great stitching week, Kate! So good to get back into the swing of things. Love your favorite flowers and the guys welcoming in their masks!

gayle said...

Love the masks on the topiary guys! Shrubbery setting a good example!
And I'm really admiring that first flower pic - off to see if I can identify it!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that looks like a neat campus - it was hot here too - up to 96 then dropped to 81 in less than 30 minutes when the storms came through

Julie in GA said...

Your flower photos are always so beautiful! Enjoy your day of sewing!

seabreezequilts said...

Flowers look very pretty and the topiary guys are cool. 100F I don't envy that one bit. We have had some lovely sunny days here it hit 25C on Saturday everyone was out and about, Sunday we had rain again.

Shelina said...

Congratulations on another 7/7 week. Those green flowers are spectacular. It seems to be cooling down some here too, especially at night.

Emily said...

Those topiary men with masks are hilarious!!! I don't think I realized specifically that SIT is at Oklahoma State. My dad was born in Stillwater and my paternal grandparents are both buried there.