Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 15 of Stitching Stuff

Happy Easter!  It's not the holiday we expected, no big family gathering as in years past. It will just be the three of us, but we are making the most of it.  We spent Good Friday taking care of things around the house and just relaxing. I'm finding working from home more stressful and busy than working in the office is.  But we are all getting into more of a daily groove, so finding time to stitch a bit each day hasn't suffered too badly. How are you doing at finding some time to play with needle and thread for at least 15 minutes each day?

I didn't have a perfect week on the stitching front. With all the extra stuff going on with working from home, I almost missed a deadline for personnel reports. It took the better part of an afternoon and evening to finish those. I was too wiped out to stitch once they were done.    

15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
15 minute days/April = 10/11 days
15 minute days/2020 = 92/102 days
Success rate = 90.20%

Even with the day of no stitching time my success rate is still over 90%, so I'm still on track with my goal of stitching 85% of the time.  You can link up at the bottom of the post and share how your stitching week went. 

In celebration of Easter, here's some clear signs of spring we've seen during our lunch walks the last couple of weeks.  

I think these are crabapple blooms? 

Definitely red bud blooms. 

I'm pretty sure this is Bradford Pear.  

I don't remember what this is, it's the ground covering around our rose bushes.  

I haven't had time to figure out what these are, they were growing in the median at the end of the street, but they sure were pretty.   

That's been our view of spring.  Please link up below and share if social distancing helped you find more time to stitch or has it just been a distraction?  

1. Loulee (Manxgirl)
2. Julie in GA
3. Chrisknits
4. karen
5. Marti
6. katie z.
7. Quilting Gail
8. Shasta @ High Road
9. DawnyK
10. Amanda
11. Meloney
12. Nana Handstitching Blocks
13. Deana
14. Christina's Handicrafts

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Libby in TN said...

Beautiful blossoms. We have had a gorgeous Spring in Mid-TN this year, too. Takes one's mind off troubling times, at least for an instant.

Marti said...

Beautiful flowers. I miss being able to spot good photo opps. You got quite a bit of sewing in this week too. Happy Easter!

Katie Z. said...

You’re doing so well managing! I need to pull up my big girl pants this week and figure out how to make this craziness work at our house. We’re in for a cold week too.

Emily said...

Happy Easter! Beautiful flower pictures! I do enjoy getting out for lots of walks to see all the flowering plants and trees.

Claire said...

I have a friend who used to say, "85% is usually good enough." I fall back on that often.

Shelina said...

Happy Easter. Your beautiful spring flower photos are uplifting. I've had more time to sew this week, but it was hard to find motivation with ever-changing work situation/decisions, and worrying about making masks for nurses without knowing anything about masks and knowing they aren't as safe as actual PPE.

DawnyK said...

Happy Easter! While the social distancing has been easy; I have felt pressure to do more prep for the long haul. I have been working from home for years and support the financial industry. With the unsteady markets my colleagues and I continue to work full time. And it has been a bit monotonous without having quilt guild meetings to look forward to. On the other hand, hubby has been reading to me about the Spanish Flu in 1918; since that was H1N1 there are so many similarities I have been feeling more optimistic. Wishing you an even better week this week!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Absolutely joyful to see such beauty in nature.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Beautiful Blooms!!! And Happy Easter ( even tho I am late)

dq said...

Thank you so much for the lovely flower blossoms from your walks. There are not many trees on my 10 acres of dirt. I enjoyed yours!

Jennifer said...

Your flowers are so pretty! Hope this week is a little easier on you, glad you got a long weekend in.