Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Daisy Chain Mystery - The Fabric Pull

I love a good mystery, book wise and quilt wise.  Alison of Little Bunny Quilts kicked off the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt Along yesterday.  Resistance was futile, I'm in!     

The fabric requirements were posted yesterday, everything from baby sized to queen sized.  I'm going for the 60" square throw size.  Picking fabrics for a mystery is both fun and terrifying.  One of my rules for participating in mystery quilts is that all the fabrics have to come from the stash.  The pull for this quilt came together pretty quickly. 

The beige with white flowers in the upper left corner is my background.  The black paisley is the focus fabric, the red check next to it is the accent fabric.  All the fabrics across the bottom are the "assorted scraps".  I'm not sure I'm going to use all of them, but I have plenty to play with.  All but the brown plaid in the lower right are left overs from other quilts.  It will be nice to get them out of the stash and into a finished quilt.   

Cutting instructions come out on February 18th, so you have plenty of time to raid the stash.  Hope you decide to stitch along.  


Alison V. said...

I love your fabrics! This is a great fabric pull for this quilt and the variety of tans is great! The paisley is gorgeous and will look great with the red in the quilt.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I love your fabric pull! It'll be interesting to see this mystery develop. Have fun with it!

Barbara said...

You always do a good job with your fabric pulls for mysteries. It’ll be fun to see this one worked into a finish.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like those fabrics!! it will look great!

Shelina said...

Looks like a great combination of fabrics. I've started too many projects already this year so I am going to resist looking!

chrisknits said...

zI love that black paisley!!! It will be a stunning quilt.

Christina said...

I love your fabric selection! I can not wait to see how this turns out. I'm sure it will feel great to use some of your scraps from other quilts.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Looking forward to seeing how this comes together for you. Too many projects in the works AND another wedding quilt to start!!

Emily said...

Fun! I’m a sucker for a mystery quilt, too, but had to do a reality check and sit this one out. I look forward to watching yours come together instead!

Vasudha said...

Love the black and red pairing- the focal and accent fabrics. Everything else works nicely around them.

Jennifer said...

I’ll have to go check that one out!