Sunday, February 17, 2019

Week 7 of 2019: Stitching and De-Stashing

February is half over, hopefully that means that winter is on it's way out.  Though you certainly wouldn't know it based on the weather.  I'm ready to be done with the ice, it took us 15 minutes to clean off the car so we could get home on Friday.  On the plus side, this is perfect stitching weather.  Not much better than hanging out with a warm iron and the sewing machine on those icy days.  Have you been able to take advantage of the weather to get in some good stitching time? 

My stitching week was pretty good. 

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Feb = 16/16 days
15 minutes stitching days/2019 = 45/47 days
Success Rate = 95.74%

You can link up at the bottom of the post to share how well you did at working stitching time into your day. 

My other weekly quilty metric is going in the right direction. 

Fabric out this week = 0.80 yards
Fabric out in 2019 = 8.95 yards
More in than out for 2019

I'm slowing recovering from the fabric purchase last month.  Another week or so and I should be back to more out than in.  That's the goal this year, to use more than I buy. Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report. 

The only sign of spring around here are the flowers My Guy sent me for Valentine's Day.

I've enjoyed the pop of color. It's been pretty dreary the past few days. 

So how's it going in your sewing room?  

1. Chrisknkits
2. Julie in GA
3. maggie f
4. Marti
5. Shasta
6. Meloney F
7. di
8. Amanda
9. Christina's Handicrafts

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


chrisknits said...

I am doing better at not buying more yarn, but worse at not buying no fabric! I have just switched fibers I guess. But lots of finishes this week, so that's a plus!

Julie in GA said...

You are doing great with your stash management and with finding time to stitch. Beautiful flowers!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your flowers are beautiful - what a nice treat! Enjoy some time in your sewing room today, Kate!

Marti said...

It's been cold and windy here, but thankfully, no ice. I haven't gotten in much stitching and can't see that changing for awhile. I'm ready for March too, for more reasons than weather.

Your guy has good taste, those are pretty flowers.

Donna said...

Enjoy your time in the sewing room today. I'll be doing the same and watching it snow.

Shelina said...

Those flowers are so pretty! They look great in the room. Congrats on 100% this week!

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a beautiful POP! of color. :o))

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

I haven’t been sewing much for a while but I’m trying hard to get back to it. Lovely flowers, spring is coming fast.

seabreezequilts said...

I'm late but I've been pretty good at keeping up with the challenge. Congratulations on another 7/7 this week. I don't bother with destashing because it is never going to happen. Have been gathering fabric because its my birthday this week.

Emily said...

Pretty flowers! I'm still not feeling productive. Lots of background work here.

Jennifer said...

How is February more than half over?!? I wish I could say that the weather is encouraging more sewing time, but for me it is really just encouraging more “stay on the couch and nap” time!