Sunday, December 30, 2018

Week 52 of 2018: Stitching and Stashing

It's the last Sunday of 2018.  Just one more day and we'll be in 2019.  I'm ready and not ready at the same time.  The new year will bring new challenges, of which I have mixed feelings about.  But as it's still the last Sunday in 2018, the only challenge we need to focus on today is how easy (or how impossible) it was to find those few minutes of sanity stitching each day.  

I did pretty well at finding time for some hand stitching most days of the holiday. 

15 minutes stitching days/week = 6/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Dec = 23/29 days
15 minutes stitching days 2018 = 337/363
Success rate = 92.84%

I came down with a nasty, nasty cold Christmas day, complete with fever.  There was one day I felt too crummy to do much of anything but sit in the recliner and sleep.  But even with that lapse, I should still make my goal of finding time to stitch more than 90% of the time in 2018.   Mr. Linky is waiting at the end of the post if you want to share how your stitching week went. 

The response to the 15 minutes to stitch has been pretty consistent this year, so I am going to continue the weekly link ups for 2019.  Next year's button is already there to the right.  

I tried to set this year's button up with a code so you could grab it for your blog, but Flicker addresses no longer work and I'm not sure I want to add another photo sharing site to my list. So for now you'll just have to save the button as a photo and use it that way.  

The stash report this week is pretty easy, there was a lot of hand stitching, but not much time in the sewing room. 

Fabric used this week = 0 yards
Fabric used in 2018 = 42.17 yards
More in than out for 2018

I'm disappointed to not meet my goal on fabric usage this year, the hope was to use 100 yards.  I'm still trying to work out how an increase in stitching time doesn't translate to an increase in fabric usage and finishes.  Maybe the key is sewing machine time, hand work and computer are often my fall backs if I'm on the road or just really do not have time to make it up the stairs.  So maybe there was more of that type of stitching time than sewing machine time.  Still it wasn't a bad year, I moved a number of projects along the path to completion.  There should be a good number of finishes this year as a result.  Linking up with QuiltPaintCreate for the weekly stash report.  

Wishing you a very Happy New Year.  Here's Mr. Linky so you can share how your 2018 is wrapping up on the stitching front. 

1. Julie in GA
2. Marti
3. Meloney
4. maggie f
5. Aileen
6. Shasta
7. Mary-Kay
8. Christina's Handicrafts

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Donna said...

Happy New Year to you and best wishes for a creative and productive 2019.
Like you, I have limited stitching time and find the key to reducing the stash is to not bring in more fabric. I just can't use enough to compensate.
Good luck with your 2019 goals.

Marti said...

I think I need more than one day to tie up all my 2018 loose ends. Of course, I'll be writing 2018 for the next few weeks anyway so I can use that time too. lol. Sorry you were sick. That's no way to spend Christmas. Congratulations for meeting your goal, that's quite an accomplishment with the year you've had. Happy New Year!

Andra Gayle said...

I will be joining in the 15 minutes a day challenge this year in hopes of completing some of my millions of UFOs!

Shelina said...

Sorry you were sick. Hopefully that means all your sicknesses are done in 2018 and you will have a very healthy 2019. Happy New Year to You. Love the new image for the new year! You have done great at stitching every day!

Emily said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick! I hope you are feeling better now. I find that I go through cycles of working on projects but very few finishes, then churn out a bunch of finishes all at once. It sounds like your annual cycle is something like that. Looking forward to seeing your projects in 2019!

dq said...

I am planning to participate all year. I Thanks for the inspiration.