Saturday, December 1, 2018

November - Where Did It Go and Where I have I Been?

As I was drinking my coffee and checking out a few blogs this morning, it slowly dawned on me that today was the first of December (You think I would have noted the date that is so very helpfully located on the task bar).  I completely missed the November One Monthly Goal Link up.  

Probably just as well it was out of sight, out of mind as there was almost zero progress on my OMG for November.  The plan was to piece a backing for Inverted Star.  The only progress on that front is that I've searched the stash and found the fabric for the backing. It's been blessed by the Scientist in Training.  

But that is as far as I got on the November goal.  

So what did get done last month? The label for the Halloween Mystery Quilt (BOO) is ready to go. 

I'm really happy with how it turned out.  I hope to get the binding made and get this quilt finished off in the next week or so.  Yes I know the label says finished in November and it's already December. That sometimes happens to me where I'm off by a month on my labels.  My logic is that years from now, one month isn't really going to matter much.  

So what did I work on in November?

Christmas Mystery designed by Carrie Randall (Quilter's Hideaway

The blocks for the Christmas Mystery quilt are all finished and sashed.  As soon as I finish this post, I'm heading to the sewing room to finish the borders.  The last class to show off our finishes is this morning, so I'm going to see what I can get done between now and then.  I'm hoping to get this quilt out to Trudy for quilting after Christmas to keep it off the UFO list.  

The other distraction in November was the kick off of Bonnie Hunter's annual mystery quilt.  I really, really don't need another project, but I'm playing along anyway.  I'm up to 20 plus 4-patches, plus have sewn and trimmed two HSTs from clue 2.  What gets done, gets done.  I'm just enjoying the process on this one.  

So ends the 7th month out of 11 that I've not made my OMG goal.  I'm not going to be sad about that, progress was made, just not on what I'd planned.  Not sure what I'm going to do for December.  Crazy will get crazier this month. I have two big projects with December 31st deadlines. Add in the holiday shopping, wrapping and family time, it's not likely I'll have much time to stitch.  I'll pick something, but it's likely to be something really easy.  I'd like to end the year on a high note.  


Barbara said...

Well don’t feel bad because I very nearly missed the link-up too. Only thought of it on Thursday, and my goal was finished. Your label turned out cute. Love the cat, of course. The Christmas quilt is just as cute as can be.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

HI, I usually read your blog in the email but every time I do come to your blog I just smile at those dresses!!

You do get a lot accomplished so missing your OMGs isn't a big deal. I missed either May or June's finish link-up and then never bothered to list my OMG.

That Christmas quilt is so lovely!!! What size is it?

maggie fellow said...

oh I completely missed it too. I really like your labels

Quilting Gail said...

Love your label! I've been known to say that the date on the label is the date the label was made, not the date the quilt was finished! :-)
Love your backing for the quilt!
Also - the Christmas quilt looks great!
Happy Quilting! :-)

Quilter Kathy said...

You sound just like me! For 2 months I did not even touch my UFO of the month! So weird to set a goal and not touch it after that. I was just too distracted by other projects. This month I set the goal to finish something I'm loving, so hopefully I'll end the year with a finish. But you never know...

Shelina said...

I like that backing fabric and that label is gorgeous. I am often a day or so late on my labels too. You're right, it won't matter if you are a day or two or a month later in actually finishing. The label was finished on time!