Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019 Quilting Ambitions

It's that time of year to assess how 2018 went on the quilty front and what quilty aspirations should there be for 2019.  Yvonne of Quilting Jet Girl is hosting her annual Planning Party to encourage some goal setting for the upcoming year.  

2019 Planning Party

For 2019 I've decide not so much on a set of goals as on a set of strategies to help me manage my sewing time.  

1.  Use a quilt plan.  My sewing time can be pretty limited so it's helpful if I've made decisions about what projects are my focus for the year.  Last year I played along with the American Patchwork and Quilting's UFO Challenge.  I'm going to do that again this year, but rather than follow the numbers drawn each month, I have a prioritized list.  I'm starting with number one and working on each project till it hits completion.  That strategy worked well for me in 2017 when I finished 7 quilts.  We'll see if that pans out for 2019. This year's complete quilt plan is posted here, but here's the condensed version.

2.  Work in 15 minutes of stitching time each day.  My definition of stitching time is anything that moves a project towards completion.  So that means working in EQ on layout options, designing labels, and selecting fabrics. The weekly stitching report and linky party that goes live each Sunday will continue in 2019.  

3.  Sew from the stash.  I'm not setting expectations for fabric usage or for fabric purchases for 2019.  There are three mystery quilt programs scheduled by the local quilt shop.  Those are great projects to use up existing stash, plus Bonnie Hunter's 2019 mystery and hopefully a new mystery from Meadow Mist Designs will round out new projects that use stash fabrics.  I've decided on Bonnie Hunter's Wild and Goosey blocks as this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project.  I have lots of scraps that need to find their way into blocks.  

So that's my approach to 2019. Defined goals with metrics have not been working for me, I'm hoping the strategic approach will give me a good basis to make progress with.  Good luck with your ambitions for 2019.  


Chris said...

How did you grab the 15 minutes ti stitch button?

piecefulwendy said...

At the first of the year, I always plan to have a plan, and then I don't follow it. Ha! You have some great goals in mind for 2019!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think your approach to the year sounds like a fantastic outlook and way to frame your projects. I hope that you enjoy your 15 minutes (and hopefully sometimes many more than that) of sewing a day. Thank you for sharing and linking up with the Planning Party!


I will join you in the 15 minutes again in 2019--
(last year it was mainly for me to hand quilt--but this year it will be stitching on anything for the 15 minutes a day--and I am even counting cross stitching as stitching as it is done with a sewing needle--if that is ok??)
I do think that even with the last 4 rough months of illness I probably did a 75% average for the year,or better--!!
Happy New Years--Di

Libby in TN said...

It is fun to see your projects all together -- such bright colors and lively patterns. The strategic approach works better for me, too. It seems when I set specific goals I go out of my may to avoid doing them! I'm incorrigible that way ...

MissPat said...

I've never done any of the goal a month plans because I just know I'd go off the rails on a regular basis. And my quilting time is not evenly distributed throughout the year. I do want to finish up some UFOs and WIPs this year, so now all I have to do is stop seeing new projects I really want to start. Ha! Good luck on your change in strategy. You seem to get a lot done even if you don't think so.

Quilting Gail said...

Sounds like a great plan!
I wish you all the best as you follow it!
Happy Quilting! :-)

Louise said...

Love the 15 minutes to stitch each day goal! That way you know something fun and productive happens each day. And we all know that 15 minutes can grow into hours of fun sometimes :) Happy New Year, Kate!

seabreezequilts said...

This year I am going to try and do the 15 minute challenge. A couple of months ago when I wasn't coping with work I realised that I need to take time out for me and a big part of that is sewing. 2018 was pretty light on for sewing achievements though I'm heading towards a finishing a completely hand pieced quilt top which I think is an amazing achievement getting the blocks finished has been my holiday project and I need to finish quilting my row by row which I'm going to get too this afternoon.
I forget to count EQ. I have to say I think EQ 8 is a lot easier to use and pick up again when you have had a rest from it for a while.
I am in the process of cutting out another hand pieced quilt and I have one other half pieced so there will be a lots more hand sewing this year.

Cheryl said...

Great projects planned for 2019, I can't wait to see them progress!

Sandra Walker said...

I read this in my email but didn't have time to comment (story of the past few weeks) and I like your plan. I haven't even written the post yet, and have just barely let my brain contemplate 2019 plans. I am thinking of the KISS rule this year, needing to limit the time at the computer and increase the time in front of the sewing machine!

Shelina said...

That looks like a good plan to me. I like the idea of having goals but having someone else pick which quilt I am going to work on doesn't work for me, so your change makes a lot more sense.

Emily said...

Sounds like a great plan! It's all about what works for you. I look forward to seeing what you create in 2019!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like it! I want to do the 15 minutes a day too - So I will cheer you on from here!

Jennifer said...

Good plans! Hope they work well for you this year!