Sunday, September 16, 2018

Week 37: Stitching and Stashing (again)

It's been a busy weekend, I'm so ready for a day at home.  There's a bit of laundry that needs to get done, but otherwise hanging out in the sewing room is the plan for most of today.  It needs a good cleaning and reorg, I'm trying to convince myself to get started on that today, along with getting in a few stitches here and there.  How have you been using your 15 minutes to stitch each day? 

It was a good week in my sewing room. We've been able to leave work on time the last week and that's made it a lot easier to fit in about an hour of stitching time each evening. 

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Sept. = 15/15 days
15 minutes stitching days/2018 = 241/258 days
Success rate = 93.41%

Having a bit of time to sew means progress on the Halloween Mystery, On Ringo Lake and more finished Twinkle Stars.  So there should be something to show in tomorrow's design wall update. 

Unfortunately, finishing blocks doesn't make a big dent in the stash report. 

Fabric used this week:  0.88 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  31.29 yards
More fabric in than out in 2018

There is a bit out, which is always good.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report.  

A very fun package (that didn't contain fabric) showed up in the mail last week.  My Guy usually gets the mail and he came in with one envelope addressed to me that was a bit squishy.  Inside was a very pretty little card from Shasta who blogs at High Road Quilter

It's small, but very cute.  One of the reorg tasks on my list today is to find a spot in the sewing room for this pretty.  Thank you Shasta!  

It's been hard watching the coverage on Florence.  Fingers crossed and prayers for everyone in that part of the country that the rain totals will not be as high as forecast.  

Here's Mr. Linky if you want to share how well you did in finding time to stitch this week. 

1. maggie f
2. Julie in GA
3. Meloney
4. di
5. Patricia
6. Christina's Handicrafts
7. Aileen
8. Shasta
9. Deana

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Donna said...

Very cute gift. Was it part of a swap or a random act of kindness?

Julie in GA said...

So nice that your schedule has eased up a bit and given you more time for quilting. Enjoy your day in the sewing room, and good luck with the reorganization!

Meloney said...

Hoping your schedule allows you more time to create.

Marti said...

Your stash report looks great, and that is a cute little card too. I hope SIT is enjoying her Soph year too.

Shelina said...

You're welcome. It was fun making it. I'm not used to making things using paper as well as fabric so it was interesting to experiment. I'm glad work is easing up so you have time to stitch.

Denise :) said...

It may not make a dent in the stash, but it made an impact on your stitch times for this week!! What a sweet happy!!! :)

Susan said...

Cute little card - very creative. It looks like you sewed quite a bit, and I hope the getting off on time part continues this week, also.