Sunday, July 15, 2018

Week 28 of Stitching and De-Stashing

It's been a busy weekend.  The Scientist in Training is home for the weekend, plus we celebrated our wedding anniversary on Friday.  So it's not been easy to find those 15 minutes of stitching time the last few days. 

But I managed to fit in just enough time to make my goal of 15 minutes each day this week. 

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/July = 14/14 days
15 minutes stitching days/2018 = 185/195
Success Rate = 94.87%

A lot got done last Sunday, which is good.  That's where most of this week's usage comes from.  In doing my part to support our local quilt shop, I've exceeded my goal to limit stash in.  But the damage isn't too bad. 

Fabric used this week:  0.28 y
Fabric used in 2018:  26.17 y
Fabric added in 2018:  20.41 y
Net fabric out for 2018:  5.76 y

Even though I've exceeded my goal on fabric in, I'm still doing well with an excess on the outgoing side.  So I'm pretty happy with how the stash management is going this year.  

I did get flowers for my anniversary.  

My Guy let me pick them out.  He suggested the yellow roses, which are my favorite, but these were just more fun.  

How are you doing at finding time to stitch and managing the stash?  You can link up below to report on how the stitching time is going and then you can link up over at Quiltpaintcreate to report on your de-stashing (or stash enhancement efforts as the case may be). 

1. maggie f
2. Melissa G
3. Mary-Kay
4. Shasta
5. Christina's Handicrafts

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maggie fellow said...

happy anniversary! yellow roses are my favorite too:) but every flower is beautiful

Louise said...

Happy anniversary! We've avoided bringing flowers home for years because the cat always nibbled on them and some will make her sick. But she's old enough now that I don't think she can jump on the counter anymore so perhaps it's time to indulge...

Shelina said...

Happy anniversary! Those are fun flowers. Good for you for being able to find stitching time again this week.

Julie in GA said...

Good job on finding time to stitch, even in a busy week. At least your stash numbers are still in the black. Happy anniversary--beautiful flowers!

Sandra Walker said...

Great choice on the flowers, and happy anniversary! I really SHOULD do the stash count,, meh, I'm okay with not!

Susan said...

What beautiful flowers! I love how often you get your 15 minutes in. I tend to take big gulps of time and then have no time. And you are still using more than you bring in, so the fabric is looking good. That means you are turning over the soil. LOL

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary!