Sunday, March 2, 2025

Stitching Stuff: Week 9 of 2025


This week was one of recovery for me.  The trip to Texas to see Grad Girl was a lot of fun. The timing of the trip coincided with a concert that both Grad Girl and I wanted to go to.   


We had pretty good seats and thankfully were able to sit for the whole concert.  The artist was Taemin, a member of the Kpop group Shinee.  This was only my second Kpop concert and it was a very good one.  The first one was a lot wilder.  Shinee is one of the older Kpop bands, so many of the fans were older and not young girls. That makes a huge difference in how well you can hear the music. At least that was my take away from this concert.  I'm lucky that Grad Girl's friends think it's fun that her mom likes Kpop and didn't bat an eye at me tagging along. 

I did take my sewing machine along on the trip and got lots of sewing done over the weekend. I drove back on Monday and was just too tired when I got home to do anything on the stitching front. That day off shows up in this week's stitching metrics.

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 25/28 days 
  • 15 minute days/2025 = 55/60 days
  • Success rate = 91.67%

Definitely not the year I had in 2024. But keeping my success rate over 90% is still really good.  I've been playing catch up on chores and on my rest.  The problem with hanging out with young women 40 years younger than you is that it really messes up your sleep schedule.  Though I've more than spent my 15 minutes on the stitching front each day, I've not really had a whole afternoon of stitching time, so I'm not doing so hot on my to do list for the week. I still have a few days to check off a couple of things.  

How are you doing this week at finding the stitching time to check off items on your to do list?  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Week 135 Photo Challenge: Pattern

It's been a month since my last photo challenge post.  My Guy as usual has been ready for me to post since the week after the last post.  Grad Girl and I were the ones that drug this last challenge out.  It's not a particularly hard one. 

I just wasn't motivated to get any photos and Grad Girl is in the middle of writing her thesis and trying to keep up with her Industrial Statistics class.  We finally got our act together this week and I have 3 photos to share.  

Pattern has a lot of definitions according to the Merriam Webster dictionary.  My photo fits the "a natural or chance configuration".  

Kate: Circles and Squares

The square slots of the wine rack from a definitely pattern and so do the round tops of the bottles.  Don't you think this meets the definition above?  

My Guy's photo also fits the definition above.  

My Guy: Reflected Pattern

As the weather has warmed up My Guy has been taking the chance to get out and enjoy it via walks after work.  He's been taking some gorgeous sunset photos this week.  

Grad Girl really hasn't had time to concentrate on getting any photos. She has class two days a week, homework and an exam for class. Plus she's teaching 3 organic laboratories with all the associated grading. All of that and trying to write her thesis.  So I took a gander through the photos she's texted me over the last month and found one that fit a different definition of "pattern".  

Grad Girl: Animal Behavior

Queenie has a thing for pens or pen shaped items. Plus if Grad Girl is home, this kitty has to be somewhere close to her.  Studying while the cat is trying to play with your eraser (at one point Queenie had it in her mouth) is funny, but also frustrating.  According to Merriam Webster as pattern can also be  "a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies or other observable characteristics of a person, group or institution".  That doesn't mention animals, but I'm sure it still applies.  Don't you think so too?  

I drew the next challenge card and it may take us another month to pull photos together for this one. 

Should be an interesting set of photos.