Thursday, February 27, 2025

Photo Play 2025: January Summary

February was an amazingly busy month.  Keeping up the Stay At Home Round Robin quilt along plus the week long trip to Texas kept me pretty busy this month. So I'm just now reviewing how it went on the photography front for January. 

One of the first things on my photography to do list was to look back at all the photos I took in 2024. Then I compared that to my photography efforts in 2023.  There were a couple of take homes from that exercise.  

  • I took a lot more photos in 2023 even though I only really kept up with the photo play for half the year.  
  • A number of photos taken in 2024 weren't my typical subjects, I tried new subjects, more focus on light and shadows.

After considering the reasons for both of the above, here are my photography goals for 2025. 

  • Take more pictures
  • Take more walks, go more places
  • Continue to learn my camera functions
  • Keep studying photography via books/videos   
So how did it go for January?  Not so hot.  I did take a few photos, but definitely didn't follow the take more walks, go more places in January. Just one photo made the cut from my January efforts.    

I'm not a fan of the cold, so I took my photos of the first snow fall of 2025 through the windows.  I like the pop of color in with all the black and white.  The photo is a little grainy, it was shot in low light, but I like the effect.  (Shot with a Canon 70 D DLSR with a Sigma 105 mm lens.)

Looking ahead a bit, I've not done much with my camera this month. I still have a couple of days to fix that. My Guy and I are going hiking at a new place tomorrow.  So I'll at least have the opportunity to take a few photos. Hopefully some of those will be good/different enough photos to make it through editing.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

enjoy your hike

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love snow photos where there's just a light dusting - so beautiful! I hope March will bring you some more time outdoors to focus on your photography. Have a great hike!

Sara said...

Great goals! Lots of interesting texture in that snow photo.