Tuesday, February 4, 2025

To Do List for the week of 02/04/2025

Starting paragraph

To Do List for 01/28/2025

1.  2025 SAHRR: Finish second border ✔
2.  2025 Guild BOM: Start March blocks 
3.  Marble Mystery: Finish making blocks 
4.  Old Town: Continue working on clues 
5.  Wild and Goosey: Continue making purple blocks 
6.  Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders 

It was a good week on the productivity front. Even if I'm not hitting major milestones with most of these projects, it's nice to see progress happening.  

So what's the plan for this week? Pretty much the same as last week and the week before, a bit of progress on several projects.  

To Do List for 02/04/2025

1.  2025 SAHRR (Quilting Gail) Finish third border

The prompt for this week is "stars".  I'm going to do Friendship Stars and have gotten all the blue pieces cut for those.  I still need to cut the green pieces. Then it's going to take a lot of assembly. I may be taking this prompt down to the wire.  

2.  Guild BOM: Finish the March blocks

I've gotten started on cutting the fabrics, but I need to finish that and then get going on assembly.  

3.  Chocolate Marshmallow (Seabreeze Quilts): Find backing fabric

If I want more finishes, I need to get started on prepping some quilts to go out for quilting. The plan is to shop the stash and piece a back if necessary. 

4. Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs):  Finish quilt assembly, start on borders.

The vertical sashing strips are almost finished. Then I'll need add the horizontal sashing.  This photo is the closest I've gotten to the true colors in the quilt.  The deep purple tends to look black in most of my photos.  I'm excited to get this one to a finished quilt top.  

5.  Old Town (Bonnie Hunter):  Continue working on clues

Clue 4 is finally finished and I've moved on to clue 5.  Clues 1, 3, and 4 are all complete.  Still lots of pieces to make for this project.  But I'm making progress.  

6.  Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter):  Finish purple and continue with blue blocks.  

The top block is purple the bottom is blue.  I sometimes have a hard time deciding what's blue, blue violet, or purple. Red violet is usually easier to weed out.  It doesn't help that my digital camera really struggles with purple, it often looks blue before color correction.  

7.  Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders. 

I'm back to making blue 4 patches this week.  My pile of blocks is slowly growing.  

That's my list this week. It's ambitious, other than my two deadline projects, I'm just hoping for progress on everything else.  Linking up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.  


Barbara said...

You’re using lots of pretty fabrics in these projects. I love that blue for the SAHRR.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Sometimes there is a big stretch with no big milestone achievement, but you are moving a LOT of projects forward right now. Well done!

Miaismine said...

You were certainly very productive! Congratulations! I love your fabric and color combinations on your Old Town blocks!

Linda said...

Your star will be gorgeous with those fabrics. I enjoy looking at your fabrics, always so pretty and work so well together. I like the SAHRR choice of stars this week. Even though I'm not participating, I love seeing the variations.

thea said...

Love that you are keeping up with your goals!