I had an idea for this one, but my photos turned out horribly. So I racked my brain for something else. I'm not impressed, but I do have a photo.
A simple power strip, not something that makes an eye catching photo. This one sits by my recliner so I can charge my phone, IPad, ear buds, and Fitbit. Nothing glamorous, but it makes my life a lot easier. Definitely one of those things we use daily that we completely overlook.
My Guy and Grad Girl's photo's form a theme. My Guy's is a long established source of power.
If you've been to Oklahoma you used to see these pumpjacks moving oil out of the ground pretty much everywhere. As the reservoirs in these oil fields decrease below economical production, you see less and less of them.
Grad Girl's photo shows what's been taking their place.
Those fields that used to be full of pumpjacks are now filled with wind turbines. The northern parts of Oklahoma are really flat and very windy, a perfect place for them. Not that they don't create their own environmental issues with the wildlife and not everyone wants to have these be the main view of what used to be vast and sweeping plains.
This week's challenge is more concrete.
Should be interesting to see what we all come up with.
yes some like the windmills and others don't - me I don't care one way or the other about them - nice photos
Interesting pictures for power. But graveyard immediately brought some ideas into my head.
We all have those spots where everything is plugged in - so necessary these days! We see the old oil rigs in eastern Colorado, too, and the growth of wind power as well. Great contrast in the photos!
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