Sunday, January 12, 2025

Stitching Stuff: Week 2 of 2025

I'm trying to get back on track with my regularly scheduled activities.  Grad Girl left Friday to head back to Texas.  She ended up staying an extra day due to the snow storm that blew through here on Thursday.  The house was so quiet yesterday. There's no kid taking a nap on the couch in the afternoon with the TV on and no thunder of paws going up and down the stairs.  It was so nice to have Grad Girl home for almost 3 weeks.  She'll graduate either this May or August, so it's the last long school break she'll have. 

I've been fighting a cold the last few days.  On Wednesday I was just too out of it for much of anything, sleeping in the recliner a big portion of the day.  It was just too much energy to think about stitching, that broke my 373 days long streak of daily stitching time.  I'm still not 100% on the health front, but I have been back in the sewing room every day since.  My numbers for the year don't look so bad.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/2025 = 10/11 days
  • Success rate = 90.91%

If I can maintain between an 80% to 90%  success rate this year, it will still be a very good and productive year.  

Now that Grad Girl is learning to sew, Queenie spent more time in the sewing room since both of us were there.  I set up a place for her to sleep on the window seat, which is her preferred perch in the Grad Girl's room down the hall.  Typical cat, she decided there was a better place to nap when hanging out with us. 

Apparently my fabric to be pressed bin was far more comfortable.  

How did your second week of 2025 go?  Are you holding firm on all your quilting and non quilty resolutions?  Or have you already fallen off the resolution wagon?  

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