Sunday, April 18, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 16 of 2021

Life is good when you can take Friday off and you have the house to yourself.  It meant a full day of stitching to kick off the weekend. I was definitely ready for a day off after the madness that has been work the last couple of weeks.  I was doing so well till we were late getting home one night (4:30 PM phone calls with the West Coast tend to not end at 5 PM CT). 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Apr = 14/17 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 101/107 days
Not a perfect week on the stitching front, but some weeks are just going to be that way.  It was nice to have a whole day on Friday to play in the sewing room while it was cold and rainy outside. Did you have a smooth week on the stitching front?  You can link up and share how your week went at the end of the post. 

We did venture out on Saturday for a meet up with the Scientist in Training. She's got lab reports and exams next week, so a trip home wasn't in the cards. We grabbed lunch, ran a few errands and then took a bit of walk around one of the beautiful parks in Tulsa.  

The azaleas were blooming big time.  

The deep pink ones are my favorites. 

The Dogwoods were still blooming. So pretty!  

The SIT found a pile of petals to sit and play in.  It was a really nice afternoon, but too short as she needed to get back to her lab work.   

How was your stitchy week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. maggie f
4. Shasta @ High Road
5. Sherrie
6. karen
7. Meloney
8. DonnaleeQ
9. Quilting Gail
10. DawnyK
11. Amanda
12. Carol

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Julie in GA said...

What a treat that you got a stitchy day all to yourself! Plus a visit with the SIT--sounds like a great weekend!

R's Rue said...


Barbara said...

Oh my gosh...gorgeous flowers. None of that stuff is blooming here yet. Lots to look forward to.

Ivani said...

It seems your world is blooming in Pink. Gorgeous pictures.
Great you had some time with SIT and 1 full day of stitching.
Happy new week.

Shelina said...

What beautiful pictures! I have a deep pink azalea in my yard and it is budding now. It will be in full bloom this week, I think. A whole day to sew sounds good, and six out of seven day is super, even though it doesn't look as good on paper.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it has been awhile since I've been to Tulsa - well actually it's been awhile since I've been anywhere!

Sherrie said...

Beautiful's still a little chilly
here in Indiana. The daffodils have come and
gone. I did notice my Tulips finally made
it out. Have a great day!

Meloney said...

My college senior was off on Thursday and Friday and came home. We had some "business" to do around town for her, so that took up some time. We also went to a farmer's market and got some great veggies and fun items. Only a little sewing happened, but I am loving my time with her.

Sara said...

What a lovely photo of the SIT. So pretty! And good for you to have a day off to do something you want to do, like sewing.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, beautiful pink flowers! SIT (love this title!) looks happy ;)

AnnieO said...

So glad you had a fun day off. I have next Friday off and am looking forward to it.
Such gorgeous pics of all the flowers and petals with your dear girl.

DawnyK said...

A sewing day sounds Devine. What a fun time with SIT and such beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing!

seabreezequilts said...

Beautiful Azaleas they always remind me of my MIL she use to be able to grow them in her garden. I tried once and it turned up it toes fairly quickly its usually trial by drought in our garden. If it survives with minimal care and water it lives ... succulents our our friends. The SIT looks happy, both my kids are on uni break at the moment but they have lots of work to do especially Mo who has some major drawings to complete over the next week.

Jennifer said...

I just love your azalea pictures - while you can grow them here, they don’t flourish like they do a little further south. Sounds like a great day of sewing followed by a fun day with your daughter, the recipe for a perfect weekend!