Sunday, January 10, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 2 of 2021

It was back to work for me this last week. You'd think after being so well rested after 2 weeks off going back to work would have been easy.  It wasn't.  It really felt like going from 0 to 60 mph in a couple of seconds.  I wasn't ready for that.  How did your first full week of 2021 go in your sewing space?  

I didn't get the best start to a new year of finding time to stitch. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 7/9 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 7/9 days
  • Success rate = 77.78%
One day I came home from work, ate and went straight to bed.  I was that tired and was really not feeling well.  The second night we had to deal with some car problems and we didn't get things lined out in time for me to get in any stitching time.  I'll need to do better the rest of the month to get myself back on track with my goal to stitch 85% of the time. 

I've had some company when I did make it to the sewing room. 

The Scientist in Training decided to learn how to embroider.  I did a lot of cross stitching during Christmas while we were hanging out together watching British Baking on Netflix. She asked to try a few stitches.  Once we got home she decided to wade in just a bit more and wanted a small project to see if she'd like it. We made a trip to the local Hobby Lobby and found her a simple kit to start with.

She finished the project in just a couple of days.  Not bad for a first try.  She finished her second project yesterday. 

This one took almost a week. All that satin stitching takes time. She did a great job on both projects. I'm pretty sure she's hooked. The SITs birthday was Friday. She got her own embroidery scissors (so she'd quit taking off with mine), a needle minder, and a few new kits to work on. The SIT is 22 and this is the first time she's expressed any interest in anything that has to do with needle and thread. We'll see if that interest lasts, but she's had such fun in learning all the new stitches that I think she'll stick with it for a bit, at least till school ramps back up again.  

How was your stitchy week?  Hopefully you got off to a much better start than I did. 

1. Meloney
2. Ivani
3. Julie in GA
4. Chrisknits
5. karen
6. maggie f
7. Marti
8. Chris in Canada
9. Rose in AL
10. Quilting Gail
11. DawnyK
12. Deborah
13. Shasta @ High Road
14. DesertSky Quilting
15. Amanda
16. Dreamworthy Quilts
17. Melisa - Pinker n Punkin Quilting

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I had the same speedy week as you had, and I too went quite early to bed...
Nice to have some company!

Linda said...

Your SIT did a great job on her embroidery!
My granddaughter wanted embroidery supplies and for me to teach her how to embroidery as her Christmas gift from me, and she is 20. I am thrilled!

Meloney said...

I had a slow week, but I did accomplish some things. My DD (21) asked for crocheting last year. I started her off with yarn. This year she asked to use the crochet thread. I'm amazed at how she has taken to crocheting. I'm thrilled that she has a desire to make things by hand. It is stress relief, and that is something she will need in her social work job.
Love the projects.

Donna said...

Work was the same here. Usually it ramps up slower.

Great job on SIT's first few embroidery projects! She's a natural at it.

Ivani said...

She is a natural embroiderer, probably inspired by you.
Beautiful mandala and flowers her embroidery looks as she is a profissional.
You should be proud of her.

Julie in GA said...

It's hard to believe this was the SIT's first attempt at embroidery! Her work is beautiful. You have taught her well! It's wonderful that you can share some time together.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

some people pick up embroidery so fast - great job.

Barbara said...

Oh my...she’s hooked! It’s a gateway drug. Next thing you know she’ll be doing sashiko and Brazilian embroidery. She looks so grown up now. I remember her Kiddo days.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The SIT picked that up and ran with it! Her designs are beautifully done. All that satin stitch does take time - so impressive!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Beautiful stitchery for a newbie! Yes, Sashiko is next or maybe a mother/daughter project of crazy quilting as you piece and she stitches.

Marti said...

That sounds like a tiring week. It's been packed full here too, but at least it is at home and I don't have to put on makeup and get dressed up to do it. Tell the SIT congratulations on her first embroidery. They both look great. I've never really gotten into embroidery, but I love looking at others' work. Have a better week this week.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Oh my! Your daughter is a natural! That first project is incredible for a first timer. You must have been a great teacher. I’m sure you enjoy spending time together working on stitching projects.

AnnieO said...

Sorry your week included feeling lousy! Your daughter does beautiful work. Satin stitching is hard and She gets an A+ for skill. Embroidery is such a Great hobby for its portable and pretty features. The finishing is where I get stuck! I have a number of smalls to finish.

piecefulwendy said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! Your daughter's work looks so nice! I gave our daughter a cross stitch kit for Christmas and she is really enjoying it. I hope your daughter continues to enjoy her stitching.

AnnieQuilts said...

SIT's first attempt at embroidery is amazing! Beautiful work!

Rose said...

That embroidery with the satin stitching is wonderful. I am not good with satin stitching. So I really admire someone that does it so well. Even if she gets busy with school, I bet she will fall back on this. My oldest daughter did one quilt while in college. Went 12 -15 yrs she did not touch sewing. I bought a cheap brother machine and sent it to her...hoping it would give her something to relax and do. You just simply would not believe all she has made.

Rose said...

I forgot to say, with working, I am amazed you did as well as you did with the 15 minutes.

chrisknits said...

Wow, those are her first attempts!!! She's a natural.

DawnyK said...

My week was crazy busy with everyone else coming back. Projects finally closing out and others ramping up. It was a little crazy. We also had car trouble here too. Love the SIT's work. She's done great work. Hope your next week is more stitchy!!!

Deb said...

I'm a little late to the party but I would love to take part in the 15 minutes to stitch this year. Wow the SIT's embroidery is wonderful she is quick and her stitching is lovely

Shelina said...

I am sure you will be able to make up the time with no problem. I completely understand having to get back to speed after not working. I hope you are able to get back to the routine now. Your daughter is doing wonderfully with her needlework - she is much neater than I am! Her work is beautiful.

Susan said...

Your daughter's work is so beautiful. She's obviously not a novice at this! I hope you find more time for stitching this week!

seabreezequilts said...

Wow those a pretty good beginner projects. Mo says she is going to draw out some embroidery designs she says she wants to put the on jeans I told her she should probably start on something a bit easier to work with but what would I know. First day of work today and I only got through half my emails.

Anonymous said...

The Scientist in Training did a fantastic job! I’d never know these were her first projects.


dq said...

Her embroidery is beautiful. The satin stitch is such a pretty stitch.
I love the British Baking show as well.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Whether she sticks with it or not, the SIT's work doesn't look like that of a beginner. She's pretty incredible, Kate!! This must surely have been a "proud mama" moment. Am I right?

Jennifer said...

Hope this week is going better for you at work allowing more stitching time. I love that your daughter picked up a needle and thread! I didn’t start sewing until my late 20s although I had cross-stitched for years - hope that she gets the same enjoyment from it that you do.