Sunday, December 13, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 50 of 2020

Week 50 of 2020?  Just two more weeks (and a few days) left in 2020.  That's not a lot of time to finish or start all those projects that were on our to do lists for the year.  It gets even harder to work on those to do lists when you have those extra holiday chores, like present wrapping and baking pop up as well.  Sometimes even just 15 minutes of stitching time is just not going to happen. 

This was another of those weeks where holiday preparations and family time trumped my stitching time. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Dec = 6/12 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 305/347
  • Success rate = 87.90%
I spent two days wrapping Christmas presents and hanging out with the Scientist in Training and my mother.  We've all been careful to social distance and wear our masks the last couple of weeks so we could have some girl time before the holiday. Needless to say, stitching time just didn't work out with the schedule.  But at least this week was better than last week on the stitching front.  

A lot of the stitching time this week was slow stitching. 

I'm just about to turn the first corner on the binding for Frolic, or what I'm calling The Couch Frolic as this quilt is destined to be draped over the back of our couch.  I hope to make a good bit of progress on the binding this week. Linking up with Slow Stitching Sunday over at Kathy's Quilts.  

Last week I shared one of the ornaments from our annual girls' weekend, which was much toned down this year, no shopping or restaurant dinners.  I've mentioned before that both Mom and my sister were managers of Hallmark stores.  Consequently, I have quite the collection of Hallmark ornaments. Some of my favorites are a special series of Barbie ornaments. 

This is one of porcelain ornaments from that series.  I started collecting the Barbie ornaments before I was married and way before the Scientist in Training came along.  The thought was there might be a little girl at some point in time that would love Barbie.  Well the little girl came along, but she wasn't a big fan of Barbie.  Not surprising as I didn't like to play with them, I much preferred sewing clothes for them. I have fun memories of sewing to my sister's specifications and learning how to sew on a snap from my mother.  

So how are you doing on working in some stitching time this holiday season?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. karen
4. Meloney
5. DawnyK
6. Shasta @ High Road
7. Quilting Gail
8. Andree at Quilting & Learning
9. Amanda

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Julie in GA said...

So many holiday traditions have to change this year. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your mom and daughter.
The Barbie ornament is fantastic, and I can't wait to see Frolic finished!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

never saw a Barbie ornament before - my girls went through a short Barbie phase - long enough to get the dream house which then was a total waste as they only played with it for about 6 months and then it sat.

Meloney said...

It's a fun time of year, but it does change the mental attitude and the timeframe for EVERYTHING. I'm still not completely decorated and I need to finish a couple of projects quickly. Motivation needs to hit very soon! LOL

The Joyful Quilter said...

The holidays tend to be a time for memories. Sewing clothes for your sister's Barbie proves my point! When was the last time you thought of that, Kate? May you make many new memories with your nearly finished Couch Frolic quilt!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Enjoy your Couch Frolic sewing time! So glad you could spend time with your Mom and the SIT for girl time this week. The Barbie ornament is neat! My mom sewed a lot of Barbie clothes for us, growing up - I think my sister still has them!

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a lovely label! And purple binding :)
You finished your Frolic within a year and that should win you big gold stars in quilt land!! Well done!
Enjoy your binding!

AnnieO said...

Frolic will be in an honored spot on the couch! I rotate couch quilts on my loveseat; my husband’s is always on his couch :)
I haven’t bought many gifts so no wrapping. But the house is finally decorated as of last night. I’ll work on just a few goal projects these last two weeks.

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely label for Frolic, and cute Barbie ornament. I haven't seen those before.

DawnyK said...

What a lovely time, even without the shopping! Good amount of stitching. Best of luck for this week!!!

Shelina said...

Couch Frolic is a fun name for the quilt. The year is winding down, and it is a good thing. Looks like you will have a finished project before the end of the year.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, it's going to get harder and harder to do any stitching but it's the only thing that keeps me grounded, so it's not really an option. Take care and get a little bit of stitching in for your sanity but keep the pressure low!

seabreezequilts said...

I can't remember if Mo played with Barbies, she had lots of different dolls, probably not so many barbies but they are very cute ornaments. I haven't got all my special ones out this year it seems like to much work and the tree looks pretty good anyway. I've been trying to wrap as I buy as I hate wrapping on christmas at least Mo does a lot for me now, so I really only have to wrap a few.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Couch frolic is a great name! And what fun - to have a great collection or ornaments

Emily said...

Love the name couch frolic! Barbies were always too small for me, I liked the full-sized dolls better. By that I mean cabbage-patch size, though mine was not a cabbage patch.