Sunday, December 6, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 49 of 2020


Just three more weeks left in 2020. It will be a busy time for most of us. Last week didn't go so well for me. How about you? Did you get a good start on any last minute holiday stitching?  

It really was a miserable week for me. Finishing up projects and personnel reviews kept me at work really late several nights. That took a toll on finding time to stitch last week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 2/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Nov = 25/30 days
  • 15 minute days/Dec = 1/5 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 300/340 days
  • Success rate = 88.24%
I'm still on track to meet my goal of fitting in some stitching time at least 85% of the time this year. It should even out at work this next week, so fingers crossed next week's numbers will look much better.  Hopefully, you are on track to meet your stitching time goals as well.  

It's the first Sunday in a new month, so it's time to take a look at the stash report.  
  • Fabric used in November = 6.2 yards
  • Fabric used YTD = 61.93 yards
  • More fabric in than out for 2020
November was a really good month for fabric usage.  If I can find a way to use 4 more yards this month, I'll break my record for fabric usage in one year. I need to piece the backing for the Red, White and Blue Stars quilt, that would get me part of the way there.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the monthly stash report.  

We put the tree up just before the Scientist in Training had to head back to school for dead week and finals.  Usually I put the lights on the tree and she picks out and hangs the ornaments.  This year, she helped with the lights and we both did the ornaments.  My sister and mother both managed Hallmark stores (each for about 20 years), so we have a pretty impressive collection of ornaments to choose from when decorating.  

This isn't one of our many Hallmark ornaments, but it's one we got last year on our annual girls only Christmas shopping trip with my mother and sister.  There won't be a shopping trip this year due to the pandemic, so the SIT wanted this ornament on the tree to remember last year's trip.

So how did you do with doing at juggling holiday preparations and stitching time this week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Meloney
3. Chrisknits
4. karen
5. Jennifer in Indy
6. Sherrie
7. Shasta @ High Road
8. Andree at Quilting & Learning
9. Quilting Gail
10. DawnyK

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Julie in GA said...

Cute ornament, and a great memento of your family shopping trip. I hope your hours at work get back to normal so you can have some time for stitching!

Meloney said...

We did the tree before DD went back for finals. This zoom class stuff has made the finals very difficult. One has 12 pages of writing. The only good thing is the time limit is forgiving. I can't believe mine is a senior and next semester is an internship.
Hope next week is better for you.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you didn't have a relaxing week - we will decorate today and I do stitching in between other things but never make things for Christmas with a deadline - if the table topper that I am quilting doesn't get done it will be for next year but I'm working on it in the Christmas season so that counts right! Hope no brings the virus home from college

chrisknits said...

Glad you got the tree trimmed. Ours is up, but not ornaments yet. I get to do that all alone, Hubster hates hanging them. But no problem, he puts up the tree and gets all the stuff from the attic, so he gets a pass. Good luck on your fabric goals!

Jennifer said...

Your owl ornament is cute - hope he will bring good memories and hope to have a shopping weekend again next year. I had a pretty good week too and my stash usage is almost up to yours - I'd love to use a few more yards to get over 60 yards used for the year...guess I better get busy! Hope you have a quieter week - I was lucky to have some big blocks of time at work last week to get stuff done so that I didn't have to work too late, but I think this week may be a little more hectic!

Shelina said...

So frustrating that work takes up so much time. I am glad you got a chance to put the tree up with your daughter. The quilting can wait when it is a choice between it and family bonding. I do hope that you are able to keep work from stealing your free time for the rest of the year.

seabreezequilts said...

I usually like to buy a new ornament each year, and I usually try to weedle out one of the old ones. I don't have many fancy ornaments on the tree yet but I saw some cute ones down the local florist which I might go later and buy, and I still need to make more of my 12 days of christmas ornaments. I got the rest of the patterns in a black friday sale, so all I need to do is sit and sew. Hopefully next week you have a better week sewing wise and less busy work week.

Andree G. Faubert said...

My daughter really wants to put up the tree, so I told her to pick an evening and then get her dad to bring up the boxes. Then we really won't have a choice but to decorate. I love getting different ornaments - it makes for a tree filled with memories! Enjoy your week. I've been had a busy stitching weekend and hope to keep it up this week.

DawnyK said...

Last week was a struggle. Just not wanting to get up after snuggling in with the puppy on the sofa. It was colder here and tough to leave the warm embrace.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Three weeks? What? that seems to quick! at least I don't have any stitching for Christmas this year - but my list to finish is still long? how?