Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 13 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

Learning to work at home has been an experience. But I'm grateful that we are all together and are able to social distance. After a week and half, I think we've got our work from home spaces figured out.

Sorry there was no 15 Minutes to Stitch linky party last week. My heart and head just weren't in it last weekend, I couldn't figure out a way to even start a blog post. So rather than force it, I just let it rest.  So this week you can share how the last two weeks have gone with your stitchy efforts.  Did you get a lot done or did you lose your mojo like I did?    

It hasn't been a total bust on the stitching front for the last 2 weeks. 

15 minute days/2 weeks = 13/14 days
15 minute days/March =  26/28 days
15 minute days/2020 = 79/88 days
Success Rate = 89.77%

I haven't spent much time in the sewing room the last week. I did better working on my embroidery project while hanging out with the rest of the family.  There was some good progress on that project over the last 2 weeks. 

Hand stitching while hanging out with the family has been the best sanity stitching the last couple of weeks, so I'm definitely going to be doing more of that.  Linking up with Slow Stitching Sunday over at Kathy's Quilts.    

So have you been able to take advantage of social distancing to do more stitching or have you been a bit lacking in mojo the last few weeks?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Meloney
3. maggie f
4. Chrisknits
5. Loulee
6. Marti
7. Pam@AppliquePaintbox
8. Shasta @ High Road
9. Amanda
10. Quilting Gail
11. DawnyK

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Donna said...

Consider yourself lucky to be home. I still have to go to work every day. I've spent far more time in the sewing room. I try to keep distance from the family in case I get infected at work.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great stitching. We are normally socially distanced, due to being retired and me being my husband's caregiver. But hard being away from our grandchildren.

Meloney said...

WE are going to get through this and the better we are at social distancing, the quicker it will happen.
Love your cross-stitched butterfly.

loulee said...

Life has changed a lot in two weeks here in NZ. We have gone into full lockdown mode, no the only open stores are the supermarket and the pharmacy. Only essential staff may travel and police are stopping people and asking why they are out. My sewing has been a great distraction, though I must admit I struggled there for a while. Stay home if you can, stay safe.

Marti said...

I wondered what happened last Sunday, but I understand. I have lost my mojo too, at least for my normal quilting and stitching. I agree, being with family is what we need right now. Keeping them safe and well is my priority.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I am glad you are getting the working at home spaces all figured out - it has been a learning curve for a lot of people. I really like reading about how everyone is adapting - it is truly interesting to me. But The super social people - I am feeling for them a lot right now. Its a different time. Hugs!! Enjoy your sewing and its okay to have a down moment... we still love yoU!!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I a teacher...working from home is just soooo wierd!! Tomorrow we start online education....but am also finding myself be intentional about creating some sort of I can't stay in bathrobe for a month!! LOL!!! And it's all even made worse by the fact Oregon is a shelter in place aside from my daily walks....that's it. I've done a lot of creative wool stitching today and that has become enjoyable. I love your butterfly and the background on your linky button. :)

Kim said...

May I say that your beautiful and colourful potted flowers in your banner make me smile! Your beautiful butterfly also has put a smile in my day. It is so pretty.

CathieJ said...

My stitching mojo has been coming and going. I am finding more joy in baking. I too and working from home and there is definitely a learning curve to conducting university classes online as well as holding office hours. We are muddling through though. I really like that stamped cross-stitch. The butterfly is pretty.

Jennifer said...

Glad that you’ve got a routine now, and hope you settle in over the next week or so to balance the work and sewing time. I have been doing pretty well most nights to get in a little and hope that continues this week.

Emily said...

Working out work from home is indeed a challenge! I'm glad it sounds like you're hitting a rhythm. I'm trying. Having a young one home as well doesn't help. Hope you are staying sane and healthy!

Shelina said...

It is hard to shift to working from home, and I am sure it is even more complicated when others are making the same shift, and you have to figure out how to share the space and the equipment. I am glad you have managed to get it worked out. Hand stitching is more calming during these trying times. I wish you well.

seabreezequilts said...

Its a lot to get our head around all the changes that keep coming. We have announcements every day about changes to what we are allowed to do. The weekend with everyone home was a bit different by Sunday afternoon I admit I was a bit over it all. I'm checking in on my girlfriends everyday, one comes out of isolation tomorrow as she just came home from a trip to the US. A couple of us are working from home others have lost their job/and part of their family income through the virus. We will get through it together though.

DawnyK said...

I am so grateful to be at home with my Husband and dogs. Being able to create and sew has made me so happy. With all the craziness in the world so good to be able to be together and focus on that right now.