Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week 35 of Stitching and Stashing

If you live in the US, I hope you are enjoying your three day holiday weekend.  Ours got off to a rocky start with a text Friday afternoon that the Scientist in Training's car wouldn't start.  So My Guy coached her and her roommate over the phone on how to jump start a vehicle. Then yesterday the poor girl had to make another trip to urgent care for a very nasty bug bite that looked to be getting infected. It was looking much better when she went to bed last night.  Hopefully the rest of the weekend will be smooth sailing with lots of hang out time with the SIT and some good stitching time as well.  How did your efforts go to fit in 15 minutes of stitching time each day this week of August? 

In spite of the end of the week drama, I did manage to get in some stitching time every day this last week. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/August = 29/31 days
15 minute days/2019 = 215/243
Success rate = 88.48%

I've been hovering right around 88% for most of the summer. My goal for the year is 90%, so I'm going to need to work on my consistency.  

The stash end of things hasn't gone to plan either.  I won a gift certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop from the 2019 Finish Along back in April and decided it was about time to use it. I've noticed that I'm really, really deficient in teals, so I added a fat quarter stack of that color. 

Then also added a fat quarter bundle of Butterfly Blooms (Lunn Studios for Robert Kaufman Fabrics)

No plans for this stack as yet. The teals are going to be used for my Wild and Goosey project.  

Unfortunately there's not nearly as much going out as there has been coming in.

Fabric out this week = 0.09 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 35.98
More fabric in than out  

The sewing room time this week was spent getting Vintage Dresses ready for quilting.  Which means there wasn't much time spent actually stitching seams. I'm hoping to do much better on the stash busting front in September.  

Did you manage to fit in 15 minutes of stitching time each day?  

1. Chrisknits
2. Meloney
3. Julie in GA
4. Mary-kay
5. karen
6. Jennifer in Indy
7. Shasta @ High Road Quilter

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Meloney said...

I can't wait to see your Vintage Dresses done. I loved watching it come together! I seem to be buying more right now too. Not exactly sure why, but....I just need to make something from all of it.

Donna said...

The teals are fun and the other bundle very pretty. Sometimes you have to add new fabrics to shake things up.

Jennifer said...

Gosh, it's been a rough start to the school year for your daughter - hope all is looking up as she heads into September and the fall. Love your fabric additions!

Sandra Walker said...

Ooh! great additions to your stash. I was sadly lacking in the turquoise and all its variants department a couple of years ago, and have very nicely remedied that!! You remind me that I, too, have a GC from Mad About Patchwork from the FAL that I haven't used! Need to remedy THAT I think! Happy Labour Day weekend to you; enjoying ours here in Canada too. :-)

Shelina said...

Your poor daughter having to deal with the car and an illness without her parents nearby. It is a good thing we have modern communication so you could still help from afar.

seabreezequilts said...

Poor SIT can't take a trick can she. Hopefully that's an end to her trips to urgent care. My stash is short on orange/yellow and purples but I don't really think I need to purchase anything anytime soon but I will live with it. Glad you got some time stitch this weekend.

Julie in GA said...

I hope life settles down for you and the SIT soon!
Beautiful new fabrics! They will be wonderful additions to your stash.

chrisknits said...

It just hasn't been SIT's month has it! Hope September is kinder to her.