Thursday, September 5, 2019

September To Do List

It's September, so only 4 months left in the year.  It's definitely time to decide what might possibly get finished this year. The first step in that process is to decide what's going to be this month's One Monthly Goal

Vintage Dresses is ready to go out for quilting, but it likely won't come back for a few weeks, so finishing that project will likely wait till next month.  Looking at my 2019 quilt plan, the Red, White and Blue Stars quilt is up next. 

Red, White and Blue Stars

But I promised the Scientist in Training two quilts for her writing group buddies that are finishing up college this year.  In that case, I really should bump the Twinkle Stars project up to the top of the list. 

Twinkle Stars
Tutorial by Andrea Feldbush of Soscrappy

It would be faster to finish anyway as the blocks don't need sashing they just need to be sewn together.  So that's going to be the September One Monthly goal, get all the blocks sewn together and then decide if it needs a border or two.  

What else is on the to do list for September?  

Get Storm at Sea to the finished flimsy stage
Finish Clue 1 for the Mosaic Mystery Quilt
Make the 4-patches for the Simple Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt
Make more Wild and Goosey blocks (adding in purple)
Use On Ringo Lake as my leaders and enders project

That's a pretty good list for this month.  If I stick with this plan, there's a good possibility I'll finish at least 3 more quilts before the end of the year.  That would be nice as my PhD in 2019 program has pretty much stalled out. 

No changes noted in August. There is some good news there, at least there are no new starts on the list. Fingers crossed I can make at least half my goal before the end of the year. 

Good luck with your quilty plans for the month.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Yay!!! I'm SEW happy to see Twinkle Stars moving to the top of the list. Happy piecing, Kate!

Shelina said...

I've got a bunch of UFOs I am trying not to think about. I am trying to focus on only one at a time to get it done. I wish you the best with your monthly goals.

chrisknits said...

I'd cross my fingers for you, but then I can't knit or sew, so I'll just cross my legs. Good luck with your goals!

Laura said...

Beautiful colour choice. The white makes the blocks sparkle.

Janice Holton said...

Kate, I just have to tell you how much I admire your goal setting skills. Even if you don't always meet your goals, you are an extremely productive person! I love almost every single quilt you have made and your twinkle and your red/white/blue stars are no exception!! Especially the stars. YUM!!

Michelle said...

Your Red, White & Blues Stars is beautiful, but I really love Twinkle Stars. In fact I’m pinning this post, because I want to make it later. And maybe, I need to think about goals.....

Patty said...

Love those blocks! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

Sandy Panagos said...

So happy to see Twinkle Stars moving up on the list. Love that thing. I guess I should make a list.....

Laura said...

Twinkle Stars is going to be a beautiful quilt! So much work in that one!