Monday, September 2, 2019

A Day Late: The August One Monthly Goal

Happy Labor Day for those in the US and Canada. Other than the trip to urgent care for the Scientist in Training, it's been a very quiet and restful holiday weekend.  I've even managed to get in a fair amount of stitching time, though not enough to meet my August One Monthly Goal.  

The plan was to get Vintage Dresses prepped for quilting.  Cleaning off stray threads and doing the final pressing has always been my least favorite part of finishing off a quilt. I tried really hard to get it done before the end of August, I'd gotten this far by midnight Saturday. 

I'd almost finished removing the stray threads from row four, but still had row 5 to do.  Even though I didn't make the August deadline, it was all pressed and folded by Sunday afternoon. 

The backing is so much easier to finish, that got done last weekend.  So now it's ready to go out for quilting.  Even though it didn't get done by the deadline, making it my August OMG ensured it got done.  

Before starting the clean up, I did finally get Vintage Dresses staged for it's finished flimsy shot. 

 Vintage Dresses by Charise Randell

This was such a fun quilt to make. I'm going to miss working on it.  

Now that Vintage Dresses is off the cutting table, it was time to get back to the borders for the Storm at Sea quilt.  

Storm at Sea
Paper Piecing Class by Carrie Randell (Quilter's Hideaway)

The left pieced border is almost ready to stitch on.  I've got a ways to go on the right one.  The top and bottom borders aren't even started yet.  Finishing more border blocks is on the agenda for today. 

Also on the agenda for today is to decide what's going to be September's One Monthly Goal.  That's it for me today, linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday.


Ramona said...

Your vintage dress quilt is adorable! I can see why you will miss working on it. All of the different fabrics in dresses are really fun to look at. :)

Shelina said...

The vintage dresses quilt is spectacular. I look forward to seeing it quilted. I wish you the best with your monthly goal.

QuiltGram said...

I too love the Vintage Dress quilt as it has such a unique look along with the fun fabrics to look at. Due to its special uniqueness I know that I’ll remember it for a long time. Most of all, I love, love the Storm at Sea quilt. Very nice layout and fabrics. Sure looking forward to seeing the quilting on this quilt. BTW. What are the approximate sizes of both of these quilts? Fun post. From Maine.

Sara said...

Your vintage dresses are all so cute. But the Storm at Sea is really going to be gorgeous. Love those blues.

Meloney said...

I love your vintage dresses quilt. Storm at sea is gorgeous with the lime green square in a squares.

Michelle said...

The vintage dress quilt top is adorable! And Storm at Sea is one of my favorites. Your top is gorgeous!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love love love those vintage dresses!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I love that Vintage Dresses quilt! The borders are perfect. Pat yourself on the back; you DID get it finished.

piecefulwendy said...

Like the others, I love the Vintage Dress quilt. I agree that you should pat yourself on the back for getting it finished!

Ruth L. said...

Both of your quilts are gorgeous! Do you have any pressing suggestions for the SAS quilt. I did one block and, while very leery of pressing seams open, I'm afraid that's pretty much the only option with this angular block.

AnnieO said...

Yay for getting Vintage Dresses ready to ship off, what a great thing.

Your Storm at Sea is progressing nicely too, bright and beautiful.

Jay said...

Both of these quilts are on my to-do list! Thanks for the inspiration.

Sandy Panagos said...

You can certainly be proud of yourself. That is one amazing quilt! Congrats on finishing. Can't wait to see it quilted.

Julie in GA said...

Vintage Dresses looks fantastic--can't wait to see it quilted! Are you keeping that one for yourself? The Storm at Sea is beautiful too!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh yay!!! Glad that it is moving to the next stage!! How will you have it quilted?