Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stash Report - Week 3

It's amazing what a day off work and a Saturday with no place to go can do for one's stash report.  I was able to get in a solid morning of stitching before we left for Drama Teen's retail therapy session Friday afternoon.  Then with no place we had to be yesterday, a bit of housework and a full afternoon of sewing really made it possible to balance out the fabric addition needed for the Back to Square One project.  I had the background, the dark main, light main, dark secondary and accent, but didn't have a light secondary.  

Drama Teen was gracious enough to allow me to take a few minutes from her therapy session, to find that lighter green I needed.

I did get a bit more than the pattern called for just in case.  So now I have what I need to start that project.  

In spite of the very great temptation, that's all that I left the shop with.  That small amount in is more than balanced by completing the back for Evening Star

Used last week: 5.47 yards
Added last week:  1.5 yards

Used for 2013:  6.94 yards
Added for 2013:  1.5 yards

Net busted for 2013:  5.44 yards

So three weeks into the year and I'm still in the black.  Check out all the links over at Patchwork Times to see how everyone else is doing in managing their fabric acquisition habit.  


Lynne said...

Sounds like a good weekend to me!

Anonymous said...

i like the colors that you chose! i agree, it's definitely a good weekend when we can sew.

Julie in GA said...

Your fabrics look great together! Good luck with the mystery.

Sara said...

Congrats for staying in the black. I'm so far in the red that I probably should just give up gracefully and go with the flow...

Pretty colors for the new quilt. Enjoy making it!

DeeDee said...

Great colors, it is going to be a beautiful quilt. It is always good to get a bit more than needed. We love s'mores too. They are our standard dessert whenever the grandgirls come by.

Kate said...

Oooh, I love the swirls with the more scroll-y prints - good choices!

Chris said...

I should have tracked my stash this year since I have been making progress thus far. But I am going to a quilt show this weekend so......