Tuesday, November 29, 2022
To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/29/2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Stitching Stuff: Week 46 of 2022
My apologies for posting just a bit late this week. I hope those in the US had a very nice Thanksgiving. Since Grad Girl only got Thursday and Friday off for the holiday, we made the trek to College Station to spend time with her. We've had a really good time, consequently, I've not spent much time on my computer or much time stitching.
- 15 minute days/week = 1/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 19/26 days
- 15 minute days/2022 = 179/330 days
- Success rate = 54.24%
1. Ivani 2. Gretchen 3. maggie f 4. Frederique 5. Shasta @ High Road | 6. Julie in GA 7. DonnaleeQ 8. katie z. 9. Quilting Gail 10. Nann | 11. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt 12. Amanda 13. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting 14. Andre at Quilting and Learning |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
A Late To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/22/2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
I Love a Good Mystery
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Stitching Stuff Week 45 of 2022
Most of this week was spent moving all the furniture out of the library and cleaning the carpet. It's been a while since I've cleaned carpets, so it really had to be cleaned twice. I'd forgotten just how much work cleaning carpets was, it's a lot harder then I remember, or maybe I'm just older? Either way, I was incredibly sore when I went to bed last night. I woke up this morning with a very sore knee that has only gotten worse today, so I'm going to rest tomorrow in hopes that it feels better by Monday.
I've stuck to my clean in the mornings and sew in the afternoons schedule. I was so tired after cleaning the carpet that I ended up in the recliner working on my embroidery project rather than climbing the stairs, but that counts as stitching time too. There was pretty good progress on the second half of the 5th butterfly.
The top half of the wing is almost finished. Once it's done, I can move the hoop to do the bottom half.
It was a good week. Even with all the tiredness and sore muscles, I still managed to stitch all 7 days.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 18/19 days
- 15 minute days/2022 = 178/323 days
- Success rate = 55.11%
1. Gretchen 2. Julie in GA 3. Frederique | 4. Karen 5. DonnaleeQ 6. Quilting Gail | 7. Andre at Quilting and Learning 8. Amanda 9. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Week 49 Photo Challenge: Scissors
We had snow flurries Thursday night. It didn't amount to anything, nothing like the the 6 feet of snow that parts of New York got earlier this week. It's just cold and miserable here. Thankfully this week's photo challenge covered something that's easy to find inside.
I use scissors pretty much every day I'm in the sewing room. So finding the subject matter wasn't a problem, how to photograph them in use was a bit of a dilemma, not enough hands.
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Kate: Thread Cutting |
In the end I went for an action shot of my embroidery scissors.
My Guy felt at a disadvantage this week, he doesn't routinely use scissors.
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My Guy: Shear Herbal |
He's cutting oregano for a mushroom Dutch baby that was last Sunday's dinner (yes it was very tasty). I was going to say he finds all type of inspiration in the kitchen, but I often find my inspiration in my sewing room. That's just where we spend the most time when we aren't working.
Friday evening I had to text Grad Girl to see if she had a photo for this week. She'd forgotten and said she'd get me a photo this morning. She delivered. I expected an embroidery shot, but she went a different route.
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Grad Girl: Odd One Out |
She went with a still life. I really like all the colors in her shot.
I've already starting considering options for this week's challenge.
It may or may not be a challenge.
Have a great weekend. Stay warm if you are in the northern hemisphere, wishing you temperate conditions if you are in the southern hemisphere.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/15/2022
We are halfway through November. The weather has turned cold, so you'd think I'd be able to wrap my head around the fact that Thanksgiving is next week and December starts the week after that. I'm definitely not ready to contemplate Christmas, so I'm going to avoid and think about stitching stuff like last week's To Do List.
To Do List for Week of 11/8/2022
1. Unity: Prep backing for quilting ✔
2. Macaron Mystery: Find backing fabric ✔
3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 2 and 3 ✔
4. Rhododendron Mystery: Work on blocks as leaders/enders ✔
Completing four out of four hasn't happened in a while. With the holiday coming up I may not do as well this week, but any progress would be good.
To Do List for Week of 11/15/2022
1. Unity: Prep quilt top for quilting
Unity's back is a mess. Since I used black and a light back ground, the black threads will really need to be cleaned up. Unity is a big quilt, I'm not looking forward to this activity. Hopefully I'll bite the bullet and get it done over the weekend. But more than likely, I'll end up putting it off for a few weeks as this is my very least favorite part of a quilting project.
2. Macaron Mystery: Order backing fabric
This quilt needs 5 yards of fabric and I don't have enough black and white prints to pull a backing together. I've found a fabric on sale that will work, I just need to order it.
3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 2 and 3
All that's left to finish on clue 2 is the Sawtooth star blocks. The third of four is under construction. I should be able to finish the last two off this week. That will just leave me the flying geese from clue 3 to finish up before the end of the month.
4. Chilhowie Mystery: Decide on fabric palette
I'll be playing along with Bonnie Hunter's 2022 mystery quilt along. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with her color palette or if I'm going to change it up. It depends on what I find in the stash.
5. Rhododendron Mystery: Continue making blocks A and B as leaders/enders
This is one of two block A's that need to be completed. I still need four block B's. It's very unlikely that I'll have all of the block B's finished before this year's Bonnie Hunter mystery kicks off. It won't be the first time that my leader and ender for this year's mystery is last year's mystery.
That's my list for this week. Other than prepping Unity for quilting, it's very doable. Linking up with Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Closer to a Finish
Winter isn't officially here till just before Christmas, but Mother Nature must have decided to get an early start with the winter weather. There is the possibility of freezing rain tonight into tomorrow. Usually we don't see that kind of weather till after the first of the year.
On the sewing room front, I finally got the vacuum cleaner upstairs to the sewing room. It definitely needed a good going over. Actually my sewing room needs a good cleaning and decluttering just like the rest of the house. Rather than going down that rabbit hole, I finally bit the bullet and prepped Unity's backing for quilting. The backing has been well pressed and cleaned up.
Now I just need to clean up the quilt top. That's on tap for next weekend as it will be a chore. Unity isn't a small quilt top, so that step isn't going to be fun, but I'd really like to get in one more finish for 2022. Hopefully that will motivate me to get the top done rather than let is sit for another 4 weeks like I did the backing.
Two of the star blocks for Melodic Mystery are up on the design wall.
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Melodic Mystery: Meadow Mist Designs 2022 Mystery Quilt Along |
So far I really like my color choices, the deep burgundy is my favorite so far. The September clue is finished, but October and November clues are still in progress. October should be finished by the end of the week.
Sharing my progress over at the Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts linky parties.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Stitching Stuff: Week 44 of 2022
We are still navigating my recent retirement. In some ways it's been harder on My Guy then me. My entire routine has changed, but his basic routine hasn't changed much. He goes to work at the same time, at the same place, has the same office, though his job has changed somewhat due to the restructuring. But now I don't ride to work with him. I'm not just upstairs in my office if he wants to compare notes on a technical problem, wants coffee from my Keurig or is ready to go to lunch. It's only been a couple of weeks, so it will take awhile for him to get used to the new normal.
In the almost three weeks since leaving my job, I've mostly figured out how things are going to work, at least for now. I'm still in deep cleaning mode, the house needs a lot of that and a lot of decluttering. I do that all morning, plus run a load of laundry. On Tuesday/Thursday, I meet My Guy for lunch then I go to the gym. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I walk or do yoga after lunch. In the afternoons, I read or find my way to the sewing room. I'm getting better at finding my way to the sewing room.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 11/12 days
- 15 minute days/2022 = 171/316 days
- Success rate = 54.11%
1. Ivani 2. Julie in GA 3. Karen 4. DonnaleeQ | 5. maggie f 6. Quilting Gail 7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting 8. Amanda | 9. Nanette Chopin Cook 10. Deb in Canada |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Week 48 Photo Challenge: Clean vs. Dirty
The cold air finally made it's appearance and I'm already ready for it to go away. We turned the heat on for the first time last night. It is almost mid-November, so I shouldn't complain, but it's hard not to. We've had such beautiful weather that the cold was really a shock.
We pulled a new photo card last week, the first new card since June. It wasn't the easiest subject for me.
I've been deep cleaning the house the last couple of weeks, so you would think I'd have ample photo opportunities for clean versus dirty. I've been working in what we call the library because one wall of the room is covered with book cases. I handled each book in those book cases and as I hit the biology section was struck by how some people think of some aspects of biology as maybe not dirty, but as something to not speak of. So here's my interpretation of dirty versus clean.
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Kate: Dirty versus Clean? |
I'm pretty sure the book on the top was a wedding shower gift. Why do we have a copy of Gray's Anatomy? No idea.
My Guy went with the more classical interpretation.
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My Guy: A Clean Scrape |
Another cookbook worthy photo. He pretty much uses the whole center island when he makes bread.
Grad Girl was happy to see the return of the photo challenge. She focused on a traditional struggle on the keeping clean front.
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Grad Girl: Never Ending Struggle between Dirty and Clean |
It seems there is always something that can go in the wash. I'm pretty sure this is 2 weeks of laundry. She's had back to back exams the last couple of weeks, so I'm sure laundry was not on the to do list till recently.
My Guy pulled the photo card for this week. He feels he's at a disadvantage this week.
Grad Girl and I agree, he probably is.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/8/2022
Getting into the sewing room has gotten easier over the last few weeks. My stitching mojo hasn't 100% returned, but it's definitely improved. Drafting a To Do List each week has definitely helped. So thanks to Texas Quilt Gal for sponsoring To Do Tuesday each week. I did OK on last week's list.
To Do List for Week of 11/1/2022
1. Unity: prep backing for quilting - no progress
2. Macaron Mystery: Finish adding borders ✔
3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 1, 2, and 3 ✔
4. Rhododendron Mystery: Assemble blocks as leaders/enders ✔
Three out of four isn't a bad week. I'm really dragging my heals on prepping the backing for Unity. It's just been more fun to sit at the sewing machine and stitch. At some point I'll be ready to get a quilt finished and it will get done, so I'll leave it on this week's list.
To Do List for Week of 11/8/2022
1. Unity: prep backing for quilting
2. Macaron Mystery: Find backing fabric
3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 2 and 3
September's clue is finished, so I just need to finish October's and November's clues. I'm enjoying my fabric choices for this project. The dark burgundy is my background fabric. I've used black as a background fabric, but this is the first time I've used a non-neutral dark color in a quilt.
4. Rhododendron Mystery: Continue making blocks as leaders and enders.
I'm hoping to at least get all the blocks finished for last year's Bonnie Hunter mystery before this year's starts up. I'll come close, but I'm not sure I'll get all four of these hourglass blocks all done.
That's my list for this week. Good luck with your to do list this week.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Making Progress
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Macaron Mystery: 2021 Meadow Mist Designs mystery quilt along |
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Stitching Stuff: Week 43 of 2022
I'm still adjusting to being retired (which is the current plan, at least for now). I've embarked on a deep cleaning and decluttering effort, which keeps me busy most mornings. It's amazing what I found hiding in the china cabinet. Why were there two partial boxes of silverware, both sets missing just the the knives? Then I remembered Grad Girls 7th grade science fair project where she was investigating if fingerprints could survive underwater on a knife handle. All my silverware has patterned handles, so we bought two cheap sets for her experiments (plus going without knives for the 2 weeks she left them in water bath is a long time to do without). I'm sure I'll discover other mysteries (such as where did the floor attachment for the vacuum end up) as I continue my efforts.
I've reserved afternoons for stitching time. I've done pretty well at getting to the sewing room this week.
- 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 4/5 days
- 15 minute days/2022 = 164/309 days
- Success rate = 53.07%
It was definitely a nice day to be outside. It's turned much cooler since that day, so it may be our last walking date day till spring. We'll see.
How did your stitching life work out this week?
1. Gretchen 2. Frederique 3. Julie in GA 4. Karen | 5. maggie f 6. Ivani 7. Stitching Loving Nana :) 8. DonnaleeQ | 9. Quilting Gail 10. Amanda 11. Jennifer in Indy 12. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Week 46 and 47 Photo Challenge
We started a family photo challenge back in 2021, it too was a victim of my busy schedule over the summer. Grad Girl asked when she was home in October if we were going to start it up again, she enjoyed participating. It was one family thing we could do and not be in the same place. She's not had the easiest time of it the last few weeks, so this seemed like a good time to pick the challenge back up.
The last photo challenge post was back in June for week 45. We did pull cards for weeks 46 and 47, but I never posted those photos.
Week 46
The computer I was using in June has crashed and burned, so I've had to pick through my files to see what I intended to post for that challenge.
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Kate: Bumpy |
It's not that great a photo, but I like the texture. My Guy did much better.
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My Guy: Multigrain |
He makes bread pretty much every week. He really could start his own bread blog, but that's not his thing. His photo is definitely cookbook worthy don't you think?
Week 47
I struggled with this one, till I did some deep cleaning earlier this week (the goal is to have the photo taken before we pull the next one, since we didn't pull one till this morning, I'm good).
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Kate: Restored Anniversary |
This is a picture of my grandparents at their 40th wedding celebration. I'm pretty sure my grandfather was over 65, but I know grandma wasn't. This is a photo of the original which was in pretty bad shape. Photoshop was required to remove some stains and restore the colors. I think this is the last photo we have of my grandfather before he passed.
My Guy had to get creative to find a subject for his shot.
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My Guy: Landscape Viewer |
We went to Crystal Bridges art museum in Rogers, AR during vacation in July. He snapped this image in one of the galleries. We don't know the women in the photograph, so we are not sure of her age, but we are going to call it good (which is the advantage of making our own rules).
Grad Girl didn't play along with this one either. I think she'll have lots of subject matter for this week's challenge.
It will be interesting to see what we all come up with.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
PHD in 2022: June to October
I've not written a PHD post in four months because there really wasn't anything to post about. There was pretty much no stitching from June till the end of August. Over the last month or so, I've finished a couple of new projects and made a bit of progress on my 2022 UFO list. My report is not stellar, but it could certainly be worse.
I finished two of three new starts. That's probably my biggest achievement from the last few months.
Grad Girl asked me to make pillows from two of her embroidery projects.
Both pillows were finished the night before we moved her to Texas. I really like how both pillows came out, so did GG. It helps a lot that her embroidery projects were both beautiful.
The second new project for 2022 was also a Grad Girl request. I made grocery sacks for both her and her roommate a couple of years ago. After moving to Texas, GG discovered that two grocery sacks weren't enough and she asked for a third one. Plus her old roommate was now short one for her shopping, so I was asked to make a second for her old roommates. Then My Guy reminded me that he wanted grocery sacks too as it's hard to recycle the plastic bags in our community. So I pulled some left overs and older fabrics out of the stash and got busy.
Seven bags were made over the last few months. The pattern is a free download from The Fat Quarter Shop. These bags were really fun to make and were a great way to get myself back into the sewing room.
The last new project is Meadow Mist Designs 2022 Mystery Quilt along, Melodic Mystery.
I got a late start on this one as the first clue came out in early September. Clue 3 comes out tomorrow. I should be done with clue 1 by then, but I'm not even half way done with clue 2. I'm hoping to be caught up by the time the December clue comes out. This mystery will run into next year, so I don't have to finish it.
There was also some progress on the UFO side of things.
Unity was as completed quilt top in April, the backing was assembled last month.
I just need to bite the bullet and prep both the backing and the quilt top for quilting. It's my least favorite quilting activity so I tend to stall on it. Unity is the Bonnie Hunter surprise quilt along she started in 2020 during the pandemic.
Macaron Mystery, last year's Meadow Mist Designs mystery, is almost a finished quilt top.
Two of the three planned borders have been added. Macaron should be a finished quilt top by the end of the month.
The last active project is Bonnie Hunter's 2021 mystery quilt along project, Rhododendron.
There is no change to the project up on the design wall. I'm assembling blocks as my current leader and ender project. So there's been very slow progress on this project. It certainly won't be finished by the time this year's mystery comes out.
I'm slowly getting back my stitching mojo in the middle of what's proving to be a major life change. Most days I have this feeling that I'm missing something, something with a major deadline coming up. Does everyone get "ghost feelings" like that after retiring?
Linking up with Quilting Gail for the October 2022 PHD report.