I had planned to post week 43 last Saturday, but not all of us had our photos by the end of the day. So this week we'll recap both week 43 and week 44 challenges.
Week 43 seemed easy enough.
The Scientist in Training and I had a fun shopping day the weekend after graduation. It's one of our "things" after school is out for the summer. Another part of that tradition is lunch at the Cheesecake Factory where dessert is just a given.
Kate: Dessert is Art |
Any dessert is art in my book, but the restaurant does do a nice job showcasing those decadent goodies.
My Guy went artsy with his latest baking endeavor.
My Guy: Manoushe |
It does look good enough to eat.
The SIT decided to go the liquid route.
Scientist in Training: Organic Chemistry in a Glass |
Those are pineapple ice cubes in one of her novelty chemistry beer glasses.
The challenge for week 44 was to come up with interesting photos.
My solution was to go with a close up.
Kate: What's in My Wallet |
Not the most original shot, but I like it. I tend to just stuff dollars in my wallet and don't take car to keep them all neat.
My Guy went the novelty approach.
My Guy: Thanks a Million |
On the other side is a thank you note for taking pictures during a work event. We don't have a company photographer, so My Guy often gets asked to cover local events. Some of his photos have ended up in company publications. It's always fun to open a report and realize that's your photo on the page.
The Scientist in Training went practical with her photo.
We made a trip to College Station, TX this week so she could apartment hunt. You can't drive in Oklahoma without hitting a toll road or two.
That's the photos for the last two weeks. It's hard for me to pick a favorite out of this bunch. Do you have one?
So what's this week's challenge?
Both the SIT and I had to Google what this was. Should be an interesting week!