Saturday, April 10, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 15 of 2021


First off, my apologies for not getting a 15 Minutes to Stitch post up for week 14.  Week 14 really was just a rotten week on  number of fronts and I just couldn't face either the sewing room or the blog.  So please feel free to report on both week 14 and 15 for this week. 

I struggled this week to get my 15 minutes every day this week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Apr = 8/10 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 95/100 days
We got home late one night this week and I just didn't have the energy to climb the stairs for even just a few minutes of stitching time. Hopefully your week was much more productive than mine.  You can link up and share how your stitchy week went at the bottom of the post. 

It is spring and these pretty purple flowers are blooming by our front door.  Unfortunately, I've completely forgotten what they are called.  

The roses have leafed out beautifully, but no rose buds yet. The redbuds are really pretty right now, but I've not had a chance to get any photos of them. I should do that this week before those pretty pink/purple buds give way to the leaves. 

So how was your stitchy week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Meloney
4. DonnaleeQ
5. Shasta @ High Road
6. Chrisknits
7. Sherrie
8. Deb in Canada
9. DawnyK (15)
10. DawnyK (14)
11. dreamworthy quilts
12. Quilting Gail
13. Carol

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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sometimes when we have a job outside the home it is next to impossible to even think of keeping up with a blog or stitching every day - you will make up for it another time.

Shelina said...

So sorry about the rotten week. Hope it gets better for you. Don't worry about the stitching and the blog. It is more important to take care of you.


May this week and the rest of the month be more restful and less drama--just remember to 'breathe' and just relax when needed--we all get so busy sometimes we for get to 'let go' and breathe!!!
luv, di

Sherrie said...

I have those weeks also when I don't seem to get
anything done at all. It has something to
do with the fact I have so many projects going at
one time. I'm not sure, but your little flowers
look like Crocus. Have a great day!

Deb said...

Just starting to try to link up a bit more so I hear you. Things happen, don't go as planned or are just rotten. Take care and remember you can do it , get thru it and stay strong.

seabreezequilts said...

Hopefully things are settling down this week and you can find the time to stitch and then next few weeks are less rotten, there is nothing wrong with switching off when you need to. Now that spring is here for you at least your days will be getting longer, we have just gone off daylight savings time and I have to say having the change over at easter was great I had an extra day to get use to it before I had to front up at work the change over always has me feeling like I have jet lag for a couple of days.

Carol Andrews said...

Our rapidly changing weather (including a couple of days of snow) caused a migraine which lasted several days. Not much accomplished for me. 😢