Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week 33 of 2019 - Stitching and Stashing

Hot, humid and heat advisory are pretty descriptive of this last week's weather.  That will be the pattern till at least mid-week.  Definitely a good reason to spend more than 15 minutes in the sewing room each day. 

It wasn't hard to stay in and sew this week. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/August = 16/17 days
15 minute days/2019 = 202/229 days
Success rate = 88.21%

You can link up below to share how your stitchy week went. 

As far as the stash report, well, it's not as good. I gave into temptation and shopped the Connecting Threads backing sale. That did significant damage to the balance of fabric in versus out. 

Fabric out this week = 0.08 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 35.56 yards
More fabric in than out. 

Not much fabric under the needle this week as decluttering the sewing room was the activity for the week. All the patterns are now organized with the extra's ready for donation. The next step is to look at all the quilting books and decide if any of those can go to a new home.  I'm hoping to clear off some bookshelf space so I can get the overflow pile off the floor.  

So how did you do at finding time to stitch this week?  

1. karen
2. Julie in GA
3. Chrisknits
4. Meloney
5. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
6. Angie in SoCal
7. Amanda
8. Mary-Kay
9. CJ
10. Christina's Handicrafts


maggie fellow said...

gotta love those piles on the floor - backings are always a good idea

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one thing about de cluttering is that you find things you didn't remember you had!

Julie in GA said...

Those sales at Connecting Threads are so hard to resist! I should do some decluttering of my sewing room too. Looking forward to seeing your finished product.

Donna said...

Backings are always a good add,especially since you make mostly larger quilts. When I finish a top I would rather not piece a back unless it's only one seam. I'd rather move on to the next project.

Shelina said...

I've been decluttering and organizing as well this week! I like how you managed to eek out .08 yards this week! I've had a hard time resisting the Connecting Threads sales this year too.

Jennifer said...

Ah, the joys of summer! Glad you were able to get through some more of your decluttering! All my time went to cross stitch this week, but I missed a few days due to back-to-school nights.

chrisknits said...

Stitching was hit or miss due to travel, and now I am heading back out of town on Tuesday! How did August get so busy!!! Oh well, at least knitting is saving my crafting totals.

seabreezequilts said...

I need to tidy my sewing room ... yet again, but I have a bit on over the next couple of weeks so it might be Xmas time before i get there. We've had wild and woolley weather here, got soaked doing the Uni open day with Mo and her boyfriend, but I think she has confirmed what she wants to do just in time for year 12 class selections.