Saturday, August 3, 2019

The August To Do List

The opportunity to sleep in this morning was much appreciated.  It was a looong week in a lot of ways.  The weekend couldn't get here soon enough.  Plus the Scientist in Training decided to come home.  The summer semester is over, she has two weeks before the fall semester kicks off.  She has to work next week, so she's heading back on Sunday, but the following week she'll be able to stay home for a few more days.  We have a full girls only day planned for then. 

Hard to believe it's already August and time to decide what's on the quilty to do list, including what's the August One Monthly Goal

The goal for August is to get the Vintage Dresses quilt prepped for quilting and sent on it's way to be quilted. 

 Vintage Dresses by Charise Randell

The back of the finished flimsy needs to be cleaned up. White is so clean and crisp, but it requires the most care with snipping off loose threads on the back so they don't show through once it's quilted.  That is my least favorite part of quilting.  So making it my OMG will ensure it gets done.  

What else is on the July to do list?   Finish adding the borders for Storm at Sea.

 Storm at Sea
Paper Piecing Class by Carrie Randell (Quilter's Hideaway)

There are 4 more borders left.  That may seem like a lot, but it needs that many so it will fit on our queen sized bed. My Guy asked that I make sure this quilt has more drop on it than our current quilt so it overlaps the dust ruffle more. Our current quilt just reaches the top of the dust ruffle, so you have to be really careful when making the bed so you don't have mattress showing on one side or the other. 

The cutting directions for the Mosaic Mystery Quilt along have been posted, so that's on the list for August. I've printed off the instructions, but that's it so far.  I'm looking forward playing with these rich colors. 

The Simply Sensational Summer Scrap quilt along with Kevin the Quilter is on the list for this month as well.  Clue 1 and clue 2 are making 4-patches.  


These are pretty easy to fit in with the other stitching that's going on.  

Stitching on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge project, Wild and Goosey, will continue this month as well. 

 Modified Wild and Goosey
Based on Bonnie Hunter's pattern in Addicted to Scraps

These blocks take a good bit of time to make, but I'm slowly adding blocks of each color.  

The last project on the August to do list is this year's leaders and enders project, On Ringo Lake.  

On Ringo Lake, Bonnie Hunter 2017 Mystery Quilt

This is an old photo of the blocks, there have been a few more made since this photo, but I've not had the design wall space to throw them up for an updated progress photo. I need about 4 or 5 more blocks to be done with that part of the project.  I'm hoping to get this project to the finished flimsy stage before this year's Bonnie Hunter Mystery. (fingers crossed on that goal) 

I'm also playing along with Quilting Gail's PHD in 2019.  I'm not doing so hot.

 I've not added any finishes lately, just two more starts for 2019.  So it's doubtful I'll earn my quilty PHD this year, but it's been fun and motivating to play along.  

That's my list for August.  Hopefully your list is shorter and full of almost finished projects.  


Shelina said...

I wish you the best with your goals. I really like your colors for On Ringo Lake. I still need to quilt mine.

Barbara said...

Good luck with your goals. I know what you mean about the white. I just sandwiched Snow Globes. Without thinking, I did it AFTER the Quiltemala quilt with it’s dark and fraying fabrics. Had to be super careful with the white Snow Globes, not to get any of those darker fabrics between the layers. Good luck with your goals and enjoy your girls’ day with SIT.

chrisknits said...

Some days we just have to pare down the lists and get what needs done accomplished. I am sure you will reach your August OMG for sure!

Donna said...

That's a lot of projects! Good luck making progress on all of them.

Susan said...

That's going to make a very busy August! Best of luck with all your plans.

Patty said...

Happy quilt top prepping - thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.