Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekend Stitching: Stormy Outlook

It was a fast moving weekend.  It was sunny but very windy on Saturday and we got a nice taste of spring, but Sunday we were back to the chilly temps with a little less wind. We braved the cold temps on Sunday afternoon to set up the annual science demos for the 5th graders in our area.  I mentioned yesterday that My Guy was recognized at a dinner last week for his role in organizing the annual program.  He'll be busy with that this week.  I'm doing demos on Thursday and maybe Wednesday afternoon if we are still short volunteers.  So it will be a busy week.  

While Sunday was spent supporting My Guy's project, I got to spend Saturday doing something for me.  I've been wanting to take a quilt class at our local shop since they opened two years ago, but for one reason or another my schedule just never lined up with any of the offerings I was interested in.  That changed Saturday with class covering making a Storm at Sea quilt with paper piecing. I can paper piece, but I'm always looking for new tips and tricks for the sewing room. 

The email with the fabric requirements came out Wednesday, with the yardages for three different sizes.  I decided on throw size and then played around with color options in Electric Quilt.  My Guy saw one of the settings he really liked and wanted me to make it bigger so it could go on our bed.  I couldn't get the same impact with the number of blocks needed for a queen, so I added borders (including a pieced border) to get the throw sized up to a queen size.  Finally Friday night I was ready to raid the stash for the fabrics.  Here's the final fabric pull.

The white is the background, with the other colors being worked into the blocks so that the colors move across the quilt in bands, like little rivers is what My Guy said.  I managed to get all but the diamond blocks made for both the upper left and lower right corners.  

Storm at Sea, from class taught by Carrie Randall (Quilter's Hideaway)

The set of blocks that are predominately light blue are in the works at the sewing machine. I made some progress on those before we headed out for set up yesterday.  The colors are so bright and look so crisp with the white.  I can't wait to see how the other blocks work out.  

I so did not need another project!  The class was a lot of fun and I'm not sorry about signing up for it. But Storm at Sea is my third new project for 2019. At this rate, I'll never get my PhD.  

I'm not doing so hot on the finishes as yet.  Inverted Star should show up on the finished list by next weekend. I've got just about 20 inches of binding left to stitch down.  

That was my weekend stitching.  You can see more works in progress at these linky parties:  Monday Design Wall, Main Crush Monday and Monday Making.   


Home Sewn By Us said...

Good Morning Kate. WOW - those fabrics look gorgeous. I just love the green next to the blue in the blocks you have complete. This will be quite stunning when it's complete, and I look forward to watching your progress. ~smile~ Roseanne

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's hard not to start something new when you see something you want to try! Your Storm at sea fabrics and colors are beautiful - I'll look forward to seeing how it progresses. Hope you have a great week sharing science with the 5th graders! I retired after 20 years of teaching 5th graders, and I know they (and their teachers) must love your demos!

Julie in GA said...

Just consider your new project as supporting your local quilt shop. There are two near me that are both having going-out-of-business sales right now, which makes me very sad. Your fabrics are beautiful together!

Barbara said...

I love the fabrics you’ve chosen. They’ll make a great quilt. Storm at Sea is an interesting pattern. It’s one I’ve wanted to make, but just never gotten around to it. It will be fun to see yours go together.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh but it is going to be so pretty!!! and you know only 12 phds - thats pretty amazing!

MissPat said...

I've made two Storm at Sea quilts. The first gave me fits getting the diamond blocks right and the second last year was done using Deb Tucker Studio 180 rulers. That one is done in rainbow colors and while a bit easier to construct, the rulers were very expensive. But I do love the pattern and can't wait to see your project.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Life is short!! Start all the projects you can. You'll never regret it. You'll have many that make it to the finish line especially with your tracking system.

Denise said...

I love what you have going so far

Shelina said...

Each of those fabrics are so pretty, and they look great in combination. That is going to be a fanstic quilt!

Kim said...

A lovely quilt in the making with fabulous design and colour. Those fabrics dance beautifully together.

Louise said...

Gorgeous fabric pull! SaS is such a classic pattern, you really do HAVE to make one at some point, right? Now is the time! Carpe Stormum :)

chrisknits said...

I've always love Storm at Sea, maybe it's time to actually make one?

Sandra Walker said...

You make me GRIN with your "I so did not need another project!" line. Oh I hear ya! This is going to be lovely though and so worth the additional 'stress' of sewing. ;-)

DianeLoves2Quilt said...

Love your color choices. They are so bright, clear and happy. The storm at sea pattern always appeals to me. If not paper piecing though, I always struggle with aligning the pieces in the non 45° angles. Yours look great. Queen size is very ambitious and I am sure based on you start that it will turn out beautiful. My wish for you (as in any large undertaking) is that you are still in love with it by the very end.

seabreezequilts said...

Love the storm at sea block, I did a class many years ago using Marti Mitchell templates. I think the UFO got turfed in the big clean out last year.

Emily said...

These colors are fantastic!!!!! This is going to be beautiful.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fun start to a quilt, especially great that you have your guy's invested interest. There are 5 weekends in March, so that gives us a bit extra stitching time to finish projects!

maggie fellow said...

Storm at sea is such an awesome quilt, I have it on my bucket list. It will be a pleaasure to watch you make it.

Katie Z. said...

I’ve always loved the appearance of Storm at Sea, so it’s going to be a real treat to watch it develop.

dq said...

I love Storm at Sea quilts. These colors are fabulous, happy, and striking. You will love it! Are you paper piecing it or regular piecing?