I do have a few UFOs (click here to see) and have signed on to participate in the 2012 UFO challenge. But Barbara has reminded me that if I finish all my UFOs in 2012, I won't have any for the challenge in 2013. So it's obvious that new projects really need to be started this year. However, knowing how hectic the schedule gets around here, trying to start 12 new projects would just be frustrating. So the plan is to start 6 new projects in 2012. Here's my list (more or less in order).
1. Mystery Quilt. The Jan/Feb issue of McCall's Quilting includes the instructions for a three part mystery. I've done two other mystery quilts and enjoyed each. I'm intrigued by the fabric choices presented in the magazine, so think this one would be fun to play along with. Plus it addresses another goal, to actually make a pattern from one of the many magazines I subscribe to.
2. Jigsaw from Lehmann Quilting. This pattern was requested by Kiddo last July and I still haven't started it. She'd probably like me to finish it before she graduates from high school (in 4 years), so it's second on the list.
3. Angel Quilt, from original design. Two SILs got quilts this Christmas, two didn't. So I have some sewing to do before next Christmas. I've started playing with designs, but don't have anything final. I want to use at least one of these fabrics in the quilt.
4. Dresden Plate. This would be a new technique for me. I'll probably make something based on a pattern from Anelie Belden's "Thoroughly Modern Dresden". This is another two-fer project. With all the books in my quilting library, it's been a long time since one was used to make a quilt. It's time to put at least one book to work.
5. Buzz Lightyear. One of my PIGS (Projects In Grocery Sacks). I bought this fabric when Kiddo was about 4 or 5, when Toy Story was popular the first time around. She picked out the fabrics and helped design the quilt, but it never got made. I'm thinking this would be a good quilt to donate to the school auction. But it may end up finding a home with some other little boy, you never know. I'd just like to get it out of the PIGS pile (another goal).

6. Project Using a Speciality Ruler. Yes, I'm guilty of collecting gadgets then never using them. So it seems like a good idea to make something from a ruler in my collection. I really like the look of quilts made with diamonds separated by a narrow sashing, but I've been too scared to attempt such a project. It's definitely time to get over that.
So that's my list. Add in the 4 UFOs and I've just committed myself to working on 10 quilts this year. Should be interesting to say the least.
Wonderful, Kate! These look great! Can't wait to see your starts.
Sounds like a great plan!
How can you be so incredibly organised at this time of year? LOL
Looks/sounds like you've got a lot planned for this year already ..
Oh, I love how you added working with a specialty ruler!! That is a super idea. And your list looks like a fun and adventurous new year.
I like your list. It sounds like a very good plan and the fact that you are also trying to use patterns and gadgets that have been sitting on the sidelines.
Kate! You've got some awesome projects lined up! This is going to be such a fun year of quilting, I just know it! :)
Great ideas! I love it. I know I will for sure have some new projects, but for me, I am just going to take it as it comes after I complete a few more UFO's.
Hi Kate, You have a great list too. Actually, I saw it earlier because I have been following you for awhile with my Google Reader. I have been guilty of never clicking on that "join" button. Now that I have my own blog I know how much fun it is to see those friendly little faces over there, so I'm trying to remember to do that. Good luck on your list.
Great list and I also have some patterns, books and rulers that haven't been used. I'm doing the Color Palette Challenge, so for me that's 12 new projects for the year.
We are going to have fun this year!
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