Tuesday, October 19, 2021

To do Tuesday for Week of 10/19/2021

The last couple of weeks have been busy.  I didn't post a To Do List last week because there had been no progress on much of anything.  We were home this weekend, so I was able to get in some decent stitching time and finished off the list from the week before.  

Weekly To Do List for 10/5/2021
  • Cabins and Fans: Finish quilt top
  • Macaron Mystery: Make HSTs for step 3 
  • Unity: Finish Step 7, make flying geese for Step 8 

Getting Cabins and Fans to the finished quilt top stage is a major milestone.  I'm going to try to finish that project before the end of the year.  I doubt anything else gets finished this year. 

My lists will be really simple for the next few weeks. Work is going to really busy till Thanksgiving. Then I have a business trip early in December. So life proably won't calm down till I get to vacation at the end of December.  

Weekly To Do List for Week of 10/19/2021

Cabins and Fans: Decide how to assemble backing.

I have enough of this purple/black print to piece the entire back from it. I know the dimensions of the quilt top, so just need to decide on final dimensions for the backing and then figure out if the seam will go vertical or horizontal. 

Macaron Mystery: Make HSTs for Step 3

I finished the other parts of step 3. There's 24 more HSTs to assemble.  Those won't be finished this this week, but at least I'm making progress. Step 4 is out, but other than print out those instructions, there hasn't been any progress on it. 

Unity: Make flying geese for Step 8 

Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

The blocks for Step 7 have been my leaders and enders project since December of last year.  So it's been slow progress.  I'm really happy to finish that step.  All that's left is the last top and bottom borders from step 8.  Hopefully those will go a lot faster than Step 7 went. This color palette isn't typical for me, but I really like how it's come together so far.  

That's my list for this week.  My hope is to just keep these projects moving these last few weeks of the year. If I get one more finish, that would be great. But if not, the progress this year should set me up for a good year of finishes in 2022.  Linking up with Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday


Linda said...

I don't know if I can wait that long to see your Cabins and Fans finish! ;) I love the backing you've chosen.
I love the Unity colors, and it looks great!
Good luck with all your busy-ness. I bet you're looking forward to that time off.
Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!

Sara said...

Unity looks great in your colors! I wish I was as good as you at staying focused on just a few projects at a time.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The purple looks perfect for the Cabins and Fans backing! I need to figure out how to piece a backing this week, too. It shouldn't be difficult, but it takes some thinking, doesn't it? Have a great week, Kate!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love that Unity Quilt! Great colors! Don’t work too hard! Hugs

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Kate! Ooh, that backing for Cabins and Fans is gorgeous. I was just looking at a Connecting Threads catalog last night. Your fabrics for Macaron are equally gorgeous - whenever these get finished it is well worth the wait. Unity looks so close to being finished - the flying geese go at the top and bottom or along the sides, too? You're doing such a nice job. Stick with your plan - you'll get there! {{Hugs}} Good luck with work - I understand how darn busy it can get. ~smile~ Roseanne

Shelina said...

Your Unity quilt is growing so nicely. I am enjoying seeing how each round changes the look of the quilt.