Saturday, October 9, 2021

A is for....: Week 15 Photo Challenge

Hard to believe we've kept up with this photography challenge for 15 weeks.  It's become part of our Friday night routine. Right after dinner one of us grabs the card deck, whoever picked the card last week shuffles the deck and fans it out for the other person to pick the card for this week.  Last week's choice was at first a head scratcher. 

As usual, we all came up with something just a bit different. 


Kate: A is for Art

We were in  Eureka Springs, Arkansas last weekend and since it was supposed to rain all day Saturday, we drove over to Bentonville to visit Crystal Bridges Museum of  American Art.  This photo was taken inside a newly acquired exhibit: Infinity Mirrored Room-My Heart is Dancing into the Universe by Yayoi Kusama.  Due to Covid restrictions, only 3 people at a time can enter, which made it so much easier to get photos.  We only got a minute inside, but it was such fun and so cool to watch the lights change colors.  

My Guy: A is for Atrium

My Guy's photo was also taken at Crystal Bridges, it's a sculpture named Hanging Heart by Jeff Coons. This piece hangs in the atrium that houses the cafeteria.  If you are up on your anatomy you might be aware that there is a second more biological meaning for atrium.  The couple at the bottom of the heart is us.  

Scientist in Training: A is for Acorn

As busy as the Scientist in Training was this week (2 major homework assignments in chemistry and an exam), I was surprised when she texted me her submission for this week. Her photo captures lots of texture and shadows. She called it a "family of acorns".  It does look like a dad, a mom, a kid and a baby acorn.   

I drew this week's challenge card. 

This one will be a challenge from the posting standpoint. It's not illegal to take a photo of someone in a public space, as you have no expectation of privacy in such a location. But posting such a photo is trickier. You can post for editorial reasons, but not for commercial purposes without a release from the person in the photograph. What editorial means is subject to interpretation.  So come back next week and see what we come up with for this photo challenge.   


Sara said...

Such interesting photos this week! Love the hanging heart in particular.

Barbara said...

Great photos this week. And your art exhibits sound fascinating. I haven’t even had my photo challenge cards out of the box this trip. (I didn’t really expect to.) I’ll be doing them on our winter trip though. There will be less to keep me busy then. I’m way behind on reading blogs, but when I saw yours pop up at the top of Bloglovin this morning, I had to see what y’all were up to with your cameras.

Rebecca said...

Love the photo challenge and the stories behind each photo!

Shelina said...

I was a part of a 365 challenge for taking photographs every day, and I did a run of taking photos of strangers. I just asked them if I could take their photo and post it online, and only one couple said no. This was a while ago, so I don't know if that would change, but I doubt it.

Shelina said...

Great challenge photos again this week. I really like the acorns.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love seeing your photos each week - each of you had a good idea! I've heard about Crystal Bridges and would love to visit it someday. Looking forward to what you come up with for the coming week's challenge!

Kathy said...

Loved the bridges museum when we went years ago. Would love to visit again and see the new acquisitions. Thanks for update.

The Joyful Quilter said...

This is such an entertaining exploration of photography, Kate. I'm enjoying your family's creativity, as seen through the camera's lens! It's fun to contemplate what I might photograph when each new card is pulled.

Ivani said...

All photos are beautiful, but I love the acorn family photo. The shadow for the mom and father acorns made a heart shape.♥

Jennifer said...

Great pictures again, love all three of them!