Sunday, January 14, 2018

15 Minutes to Stitch: Week 2 of 2018

Tomorrow marks the midpoint of January.  Usually this first month of the year seems to pass so slowly. Not this year.  The Scientist in Training is heading back to college today right after lunch.  It's been so nice having her home for the last four weeks. I'm planning to sew all afternoon, hopefully that will keep me distracted till she's back at the dorm.  It's going to take longer to get used to the empty house.

Since it's Sunday, it's time to look back at how last week went on the quilting front.  I try to find at least 15 minutes to stitch each day.  It's amazing how quickly those 15 minutes add up to some significant sewing time.

Here's week #2 metrics:

Days with stitching this week:  7 out of 7
Days with stitching this month:  13 out of 13
Days with stitching this year:  13 out of 13
Success rate:  100% 

My week runs from Sunday to Saturday, so though today is the 14th, week 2 ended for me yesterday.  My quilting weeks have been set up this way since I've been tracking stitching time and yardage out.  It works for me, but feel free to set your week up so it works for you and link up below with how you did on finding some time to stitch this week. 

There's a bit of stash going out this week. 

Fabric used this week:  0.30 yards
Fabric purchased this week:  0 yards 
Net fabric out for 2018:  1.10 yards

Not as good of week as I had hoped for stash usage, but at least there is nothing coming in.  I'll definitely take that. 

You can see more stash reports over at Quiltpaintcreate.  If you are tracking how much time you can find to stitch, you can link up right here. 

1. Julie in GA
2. Melissa G
3. maggie f
4. Sharon
5. Mary-Kay
6. Val:)
7. Meloney
8. Shasta
9. MartiDIY
10. diane
11. Christina's Handicrafts

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Barbara said...

I’m not suprised your 15 minutes adds up to significant sewing time. When I first started doing embroidery, I committed to two lengths of floss per day, and it was surprising how much I could get done with just that much stitching. (The time added up to about 20 minutes.) You’re doing great.

Anonymous said...

It does help to work on projects every day. You spend less time figuring out where you left off.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Awww Sending you hugs, and maybe a little chocolate would help?

Val's Quilting Studio said...

15 minutes does add up to more doesn't it. I'm making good progress...and yes, I remember those Sunday's when my girls left to return to school...thank goodness we have our sewing to distract us. Enjoy your afternoon Kate.

Shelina said...

It is difficult when children leave the nest. Stitching is a great distraction!

Sandy Panagos said...

You are so right about the 15 minutes adding up. It's so encouraging to see the progress!

Marti said...

My week ends on Saturday night also. I feel like I'm on a roll right now, but even as I typed this I know that it will end when the days get warm and outside work takes precedence over sewing. But until then, I'm going to make the most of it.

Dar said...

Sorry your baby has gone back to school, but they all grow up too fast. Congrats on 100% of stitching every day. I don't go to bed at night until I put fabric to the machine.!

make.share.give said...

Only 2 stitching days for me last week. Didn't warrant a blog post :) Already up and at 'em today though!

Julie in GA said...

You are doing very well at finding time to stitch, and we all agree that it really adds up.

vaiybora said...

Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.
